An exciting thing happened yesterday. The nefarious scoundrels lovely employees of the customs office released one of my packages and the saints of fed ex brought it right to my door. In that package was the very last of the projects for Book the Second. That means that I currently have all 20 projects, finished, washed, blocked, and tucked safely in the box. This is a very good thing, as the planning meeting with the photographer is next week (eek) and the photoshoot shortly after that. To mark the momentous occasion (er, and because I'd been meaning to do it [...]
Calcareous is live, click here if you'd like to make yourself a pair, or to find out what I meant by yesterday's crack about my misspent youth. I also have the distinct pleasure of announcing that Sharon at Three Irish Girls has graciously agreed to donate a skein of the gorgeous Adorn Sock yarn I used to make these socks to one lucky reader! Now lately, I've had the marvelous experience of being contacted by several talented yarn dyers asking me to design patterns for them. This has been (and continues to be) great fun, but that's not what happened [...]
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