
Next up in the the ongoing (dare I say never-ending, all-consuming, perhaps even frenzied) project of rereleasing old patterns, Adumbrate.  These will be going up this coming week. Folks on the mailing list will get an announcement (and usually some sort of coupon or other goody) as soon as it's up.  Now every time I send something to the mailing list, I get a few very nice emails from folks saying they didn't know about the mailing list and could they please have whatever the special offer is anyways.  And that's always awkward.  So in the interest of having fewer [...]

July 27, 2014|


I think I have a plan.  Well no, I totally have a plan, I always have a plan.  It's more like I have a plan that is far enough along to do something bold like mention it publicly.  Let's do a little run down, shall we? First up will be the alarmingly versatile socks.  They pretty much just need a name and a final once over (having been modeled and tested by a bunch of very gracious folks who don't let on at all when they think I'm being crazy).  The plan is to put these out next week.  The [...]

April 18, 2014|

Sneaky, Part IX

And finally, the stellar Vice Chubbie in Lauren. (I've run off to Washington to look at lovely water and hang out with other members of the Visionary Authors and work on plans for future books.  While I'm gone, I'm showing you sneak peeks of half the projects in the upcoming book, The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet, Volume II.  More revealing pics of all the projects, along with details of how you can get the book, will be available this spring.)

February 15, 2013|

Sneaky, Part VIII

Today, the delectable Barking Dog Yarns Galaxy in Japanese Cherry. (I've run off to Washington to look at lovely water and hang out with other members of the Visionary Authors and work on plans for future books.  While I'm gone, I'm showing you sneak peeks of half the projects in the upcoming book, The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet, Volume II.  More revealing pics of all the projects, along with details of how you can get the book, will be available this spring.)

February 14, 2013|

Sneaky, Part VII

And now, the luxurious Saffron Dyeworks Mica in Ginger Snap. (I've run off to Washington to look at lovely water and hang out with other members of the Visionary Authors and work on plans for future books.  While I'm gone, I'm showing you sneak peeks of half the projects in the upcoming book, The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet, Volume II.  More revealing pics of all the projects, along with details of how you can get the book, will be available this spring.)

February 13, 2013|

Sneaky, Part VI

This is the always delightful Shibui Baby Alpaca in Flaxen. (I've run off to Washington to look at lovely water and hang out with other members of the Visionary Authors and work on plans for future books.  While I'm gone, I'm showing you sneak peeks of half the projects in the upcoming book, The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet, Volume II.  More revealing pics of all the projects, along with details of how you can get the book, will be available this spring.)

February 12, 2013|

Sneaky, Part V

New week, more projects!  It's the irresistible Plucky Knitter Primo Worsted in Flying Monkey. (I've run off to Washington to look at lovely water and hang out with other members of the Visionary Authors and work on plans for future books.  While I'm gone, I'm showing you sneak peeks of half the projects in the upcoming book, The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet, Volume II.  More revealing pics of all the projects, along with details of how you can get the book, will be available this spring.)

February 11, 2013|

Sneaky, Part IV

Today, the incredible String Theory Caper Sock in Blue Hill. (I've run off to Washington to look at lovely water and hang out with other members of the Visionary Authors and work on plans for future books.  While I'm gone, I'm showing you sneak peeks of half the projects in the upcoming book, The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet, Volume II.  More revealing pics of all the projects, along with details of how you can get the book, will be available this spring.)

February 8, 2013|

Sneaky, Part III

And now, the beautiful Malabrigo Sock in Impressionist Sky. (I've run off to Washington to look at lovely water and hang out with other members of the Visionary Authors and work on plans for future books.  While I'm gone, I'm showing you sneak peeks of half the projects in the upcoming book, The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet, Volume II.  More revealing pics of all the projects, along with details of how you can get the book, will be available this spring.)

February 7, 2013|
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