The book pattern is coming out later this week (Wednesday this week instead of Tuesday because I’m guessing lots of you will be off voting on Tuesday), so let’s run through a few things so everyone is ready!
1) If you want an email when it comes out, make sure you’re on the mailing list.
2) If you want it to just show up in your inbox when it comes out, you can make that happen on patreon.
3) You need a few funny bits for these! I did a post with all that information a few days ago. Or, if you don’t feel like going on a scavanger hunt, wander over to Little Skein Anne and keep an eye out for the amazing kits she’s putting together!
4) The community supported pattern program is up and running. If you want the pattern but don’t have room in your budget, or if you want to help someone who doesn’t have room in their budget get a copy, we can make that happen. Details of the program are on the community supported patterns page.
More soon! In the meantime, you can start daydreaming about what treasures to tuck away in there…
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