Super duper bonus fun
So I know on the first and third Tuesdays I usually release a pattern, but today I wanted to do something a tiny bit different. Today I've updated the version of Curls 2 to include links to the Stitch Maps for each of the patterns. So at this point, I'm guessing you're having one of two reactions. Either you're thinking 'yay, it's about time, I loved them in the first Curls and have been wondering where the heck they were for Curls 2' (in which case, if you already have Curls 2 in your rav library, head over there right [...]
And done!
The postman just took the first round of books away, and with that, the preorder is done! The e-version is live (if you put it in your library during the preorder, you should have gotten a notice from ravelry, and the full version should be in your ravelry library now), and the paper versions have started shipping (that's some of the ones that went out today, there will be more on Friday and Saturday). Now all that's left to do is cast on! Save
So Many Labels
You guys are awesome! You've helped get Curls 2 off to a tremendously good start, and I can't thank you enough. I will be spending today and tomorrow and probably Friday too printing envelopes and packing books (this is a good thing, it's what I want to be doing during the preorder). Your books will start going out in tomorrow's mail (and the eversion will go live tomorrow afternoon). But if you're just itching to cast something on now and don't want to wait, I wanted to remind you that all of my other books available through ravelry are 25% [...]
Preorders are Open
It's live! Head over to the book's page to get your copy! Just as a reminder, both the paper and electronic versions are on sale during the preorder. Also, once Curls 2 is in your ravelry library, you'll find that any of my other books are 25% off on ravelry. The electronic version will go live and the paper books start shipping on August 18. You'll be casting on in no time!
Curls 2 Preorder Schedule
Curls 2 goes up for preorder early next week. I'm keeping this one pretty streamlined, but I still want to lay out the schedule ahead of time, just so everyone knows what to expect! Tuesday morning, August 16: Preorders open During the preorder, both the paper and electronic books are $3.00 off the regular price ($18.95 instead of $21.95). As always, if you order the physical book directly from me, you’ll get the electronic book for free. Once you have Curls 2 in your ravelry library, you'll notice something nifty. Any of my other books available through ravelry will be [...]
Curls 2 Q&A
So, guess what's happening next week... Curls 2 is coming out on Tuesday the 16th (and I'll explain everything you could possibly want to know about the preorder in a day or two), but today I thought I'd see if I could cover any questions you might have about the book! What's in the book? Fourteen brand new curls! Lacy curls. Cabled curls. Reversible curls. Textured curls. They're all in there! You can see them over on ravelry if you want lots of pics, but here's a little preview all in one place! What's it look like? Folks always ask [...]
Want Curls 2 in your LYS on launch day?
So you all know Curls 2 is almost here (I suspect this time next month some of you will be binding off your first pieces from it!). And you know I can't wait to send it out to lots of you as soon as it launches. I promise we'll go over all the details of the launch in the next few weeks so you can be ready. But for this book, I wanted to try something awesome just for yarn shops. I've put together a little program where your LYS can get a display copy of the book early (very [...]
Curls 2
So, guess what happens next month. I'll give you a little hint. Not quite enough? How about this! I've got a wee little stack of advances in (and oh my are they lovely). I'll be getting ready on this end (and working out a little scheme to get advance copies in the hands of some of my yarn shops). And of course I'll let you know all the details as we get a little closer to the release. But for now, I just couldn't keep it to myself any longer! Oh, and if you want to be super duper sure [...]
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