
This weekend is the photoshoot for Curls 2.  This is ridiculously exciting, as I think all this gray is going to be amazingly fun to take photos of.  I've been doing that thing where I scurry around making sure I have everything I need for days now.  Of course I need all the curls themselves. I store them on a dress form to keep them from getting wrinkled after they are blocked.  These are on Alethea's companion, Verity.  You've not been properly introduced yet, but I'm sure we'll fix that at some point.  Both ladies are coming with us for [...]

December 12, 2015|


So, did I mention all the gray curls are done?  Done and safely home with me and blocked? Sounds like it might just be time for a photo shoot! Now normally I'd be horribly nervous about having a photoshoot in Cleveland in December (as they generally happen outdoors, and outdoors has been known to be unpleasant around here that time of year), but this year our December weekends are apparently going to be down right balmy.  So all we need to do now is figure out the best place to go for brunch after (that being how we bribe ourselves [...]

December 7, 2015|


Excuse me, I'll just be over here curled up in this. I'm going to be blocking it tomorrow, at which point it will become all open and structured and tidy and formal.  But wow if there isn't something special about it in its fresh-off-the-needles state. The yarn totally helps with that (it's Maia by SpaceCadet, and you should probably go get some now before I snag it all).  If the sun ever comes out again it will look all glowy and bright, but for now it's a lovely moody thing and I adore it even more this way!

December 2, 2015|


Respectable adults do not whine.  Respectable adults certainly do not wine about anything so lovely as a giant pile of knitting ready for blocking.  Respectable adults would not dream of doing any such thing, they wouldn't even know how to start if you asked them to. I, on the other hand, lacking something in both the adulthood and the respectability departments, may have looked at this pile (and that's not all of them, there are four more on the way) and whined quite a bit. But then the lovely folks at Inspinknity stepped in to save the day with their [...]

October 20, 2015|


Well then, this is going to be something rather special, isn't it? I'm not sure what it says about me, but I find scalloped edges on knitting almost unbearably entertaining.  The only thing that reassures me is that I've heard from quite a few of you that you like them, too! And mix in a scalloped edge and some Devon by Black Bunny Fibers, and you're pretty much going to have magic.  I can't really be expected to resist.

October 18, 2015|

So This Happened

Oh hey, I sort of forgot to mention this (you guys are awesome by the way, this is totally not something I ever expected to have happen). Nifty isn't it!  Of course it does mean the garage looks like this (and that my postman is more or less not speaking to me). But, if you were waiting for the book to come back in stock on amazon, or if you were waiting for it to come in at your local yarn shop, it should be all set now (as always, amazon links are affiliate links). Now, if you'll excuse me, [...]

October 5, 2015|


I don't think I've ever seen a knitted thing that reminded me so much of spreading frosting on a cake. And yes, frosting is rarely gray.  I get that, I do.  But there's something about the way this one drapes and swoops (especially now that it's had a bit of a soak) that just feels like frosting a cake. Is it time to take the proper pictures for these yet?  Because I'm getting unreasonably antsy about them!  This is going to be way more fun than work has any right to be.

September 11, 2015|


You know how I occasionally prattle on at length about the difference between right-leaning double decreases, left-leaning double decreases, and centered double decreases?  This is why. That would not be nearly as nifty looking if you didn't get picky about your decreases.  And the next time someone asks if it's worth the bother to use the one called for, I'm sending them here. The yarn is Marshall Island Sport by the always delightful String Theory, and it continues their long-established tradition of being unreasonably pretty.

August 26, 2015|


Didn't I promise there would be lace?  Proper, full of holes, lace?  Well here you go. I'm taken with this.  There's something amazingly dramatic about lace worked in big yarn, and I tend to adore it (and man is it fast...lace on big yarn is about the fastest knitting there is).  That's Legacy DK by O-Wool, and I'm just tickled by how it came out. I'm going to have to do a bit of experimenting and see how hard I want to block this one.  Usually I'm a fan of a fairly brutal blocking for curls, but I sort of [...]

August 21, 2015|
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