October Housekeeping
The penguin buddies would like to invite you over a sledding party followed by a marshmallow roast. Do be sure to wear your mittens. Monthly housekeeping post (with details on what's coming down and what's coming next over on patreon) is up. Because sometimes, when the whole damn world is on fire, you distract yourself with the cute and the absurd. And honestly, I can't even pretend to feel sorry about it. It feels like a totally valid coping mechanism.
August Housekeeping
August's housekeeping post is up. This month is cranberry nut bread. I use the word 'bread' here because then it's more acceptable to spread butter on it and have it for breakfast, though 'cake' might be a more accurate term if we were going for unsparing moral accounting of our deeds. But hey it works for the muffin/cupcake dichotomy, so why not. Details on the snack I am most likely to offer you if you show up at my house on short notice, plus what's coming and going on patreon over the next few weeks are all in the post [...]
July Housekeeping
July's housekeeping post is up! This month we're doing, well, I call it yard soda. I suppose if I were being more formal, I'd call it something like wild yeast fermented cold infused something or other. But really, it's yard soda. It's like your favorite herbs and the very best sugar cookie you've ever eaten had a baby, and that baby was kidnapped by the fairies, and they collected its tears in a beautiful crystal vial. Or it's sort of like what you always want flavored seltzer water to taste like (though it never ever ever does) plus just a [...]
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