Bits and Pieces
There is absolutely no coherent theme to my life this week. This means there is very little in the way of cohesion in the blog posts either. Sorry guys, it's that sort of day week life. So, in no particular order: Rabble Rousers is up on amazon now if you happen to feel a terrible itch to buy it there as opposed to from me directly (sometimes it's easier for folks overseas, so I like to have both options for everyone). The marvelous Carol Sulcoski has a review of Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet (plus one to give away) if you're [...]
Crocus vernus Knit Along
Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet is now well and truly launched. The paper version is out there. You can order it from me, ask for it at your local yarn store, or order it from amazon (amazon occasionally says out of stock, but I've sent them hundreds of books and they damn well do have it...people have ordered it there and received it, so don't fall for their crazy status updates). And of course the electronic version is there for those of you who want instant gratification. All of that means that it's time to start a knit along! I had such [...]
TNNA Recap
So, as promised, a recap of TNNA. It will, alas, have to be a bit brief. I seem to have managed to pick up some sort of cold bug while there and am trying to take it easy today in the hopes of fending it off quickly. So, first, what the heck is TNNA? It stands for The National Needlearts Association. They hold several tradeshows every year. The summer one happens in Columbus, Ohio, and it focuses on yarn and knitting. It's not a fiber festival like Rheinbeck or Maryland Sheep and Wool. It's only open to folks in the [...]
Well That Was Fast
You guys rock. All the extra copies of Silk Road Socks are now spoken for! They're all in the mail headed to their new homes. I'm ridiculously glad they're going somewhere where they'll be used (books would rather be used than hang out in closets). And, if you missed them, the e version is still available through ravelry. I'm off to TNNA tomorrow. Which means today, I'm running around like a crazy person trying to get at least three days worth of stuff done. A graceful and serene thing to see, I assure you. But, on the off chance you're [...]
Now We Are Three
Three years ago, I sat up way too late throwing together a quick website. The goal of the site was to provide a convenient place to host a little free pattern for a pair of socks I'd whipped up. I liked the socks, and I thought a few other folks might like them too. I had enjoyed writing the pattern, and I thought I might want a space to share any other patterns that happened to occur to me. I didn't think I'd do it often. Two years ago, I had just signed a book contract and was up to [...]
Did I show you the cover? No, I don't think I did. Now there's every chance you don't actually care (which would be a totally reasonable way to feel...I likely wouldn't much care if it wasn't my own book), but I'm rather taken with it. See? Those yellow socks more or less slay me every time. You guys seem to like them too. And there's also a back cover of course. It shows off the purple socks (they wrestle with the yellow ones for the status of my very favorite socks far it's a tie). As always, click to [...]
Countdown's done. All done (which is why I desperately needed to play hooky this past weekend). The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet has gone off to the printer, and the electronic version is ready to go. I'll be putting it out on Tuesday, March 13. This means that if you've bought the electronic version, or if you've ordered the physical version and gotten the electronic version to go with it, the full version will magically appear in your Ravelry library some time next Tuesday. When it does, you'll get both a ravelry message and an email letting you know it's been updated. [...]
All is Lost
It is possible that I've spent too much time proofreading in the last few days. I'm not sure, but it seems likely. The hissy fit I just threw because I could not find the particular green pen that I'm using to make corrections on this print out might be a hint. The three minute rant I delivered to the cats (no I cannot just use another pen, no not even another green pen, it has to be that pen or else it won't match the edits I've already made and could be another hint. As could the fact that [...]
Happy New Year
I hope you all had just the sort of New Year's Eve festivities that you wanted (we watched Ghostbusters...what can I say, we're old, that's what we do). As promised, the first of the Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet patterns is available. I'm working with the wonderful Wendee of Hazel Knits on her January knit along. All the details (including how you can download the Linaria bipartita Sock pattern free during the month of January) are over on the knit along thread. As for my own knitting, I'm ready to do the toe on the first of the orange spiky socks. Next [...]
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