Two months in

Holy smokes this Update Your Whole Giant Back Catalog thing is a project (details over here and over here if you missed the earlier bits and want to play catch up).  Let's do a little update, shall we? We're two months into the process, and there's an awful lot of stuff back already.  All the big books are back up.  The individual patterns from Fine Things for Plain Occasions and Silk Road Socks and Firmament are all available now (and the individual patterns from the Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet books will show up later in the year, which I know a [...]

March 6, 2020|

One month in

Somehow (and please do not ask me how, it certainly wasn't my idea) we're just over a month into the new year.  And we're exactly a month out from the morning I sat down at my computer and took my whole ravelry shop down for a giant organizing and tidying spree.* It was scary (selling stuff on ravelry is how I pay my bills).  And reformatting and relisting things is a massive project (I've got more than 280 patterns...revisiting them all is daunting).  But it has been so so so satisfying. Since that morning in January, I've brought about thirty [...]

February 6, 2020|

And down!

The very first thing I did this morning was take down my ravelry shop.  Here's what it looked like as of 6:03 this morning! Over the course of the year, I'll be adding things back into the shop.  By the time you read this, the books will already be back. Over time, individual patterns will start to come back.  Some will come back in the next few days, some not till later in the year, and a few will probably just stay gone indefinitely. Now, I'm going to try and answer a few questions folks may have, let me see [...]

January 6, 2020|
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