Unexpectedly Prompt
Every now and then, just to keep you on your toes, things happen off schedule. Things like the printer sending your book to you. Now usually...usually things get delayed and you have to bang your head against the wall and wail and wonder why the universe is taunting you. But occasionally, it works the other way. Occasionally, things come early. That's what has happened here. The latest mini book is arriving from the printer early. Quite early in fact. So early that I get to spend this weekend getting the website set up and doing all the background machinations necessary [...]
Make a Little Trouble
Remember how, when I'd show you projects over the last few months, I'd say 'yes, they'll be part of a new mini book in the fall?' Well, that mini book went off to the printer this morning! It includes the socks the rail bridge ate, the socks that played chicken with the train, the socks that got us sternly told off by the security guard (I see I neglected to post about that, perhaps I'll have to remedy that soon), the mitt that got away...temporarily, the cuff that's firmly pinned in place, and the hats that took a field trip. [...]
More Obliging Still
Sometimes you go to the sketchy parts of town to find the right atmosphere, and sometimes you find it closer to home. Perhaps just around the corner, in the garage of an abandoned house. You know, the garage with the hole in the roof and the tree growing out the middle of it and the distinct cant to the left. Not the best thing ever when it comes to, say, property values, but very handy indeed when you need to grab a quick knitting pic after dinner. That's Space Cadet Creations' Astrid yarn in a one of a kind color [...]
The Order of Things
By this point, you guys know me. You know there is always a Plan. Now the details may change, and the specifics are sometimes a bit hazy, but the existence of the Plan is constant. The Plan keeps me on track. The Plan is how I know what the next 4 books will be. The Plan is all-knowing and all-powerful. But I also tend to keep the Plan private. I figure you guys don't particularly want to know the details of what I'm plotting for three books from now. That's years down the road, and if I chat too much [...]
We had the photo shoot. I remembered to bring both the camera and all the knitting. No one died of heat stroke. We did not get arrested (opinions vary on whether we were, strictly speaking, allowed to be in that building at that time). All in all, the day was a rousing success. Oh, and we got good pictures too! These are just a few of the favorites of the moment. There are lots more to be seen later. Tumult cowl: Clamor hat: Uproar cuff:
Think Clouds
Ok all, the photo shoot for the mini book is tomorrow. I actually sewed the buttons on today (rather than waiting till tomorrow morning). All I have left to do now is lint roller everything one more time and finalize the shot list. What I'd like all of you to do is wish us up some clouds. It's supposed to be warm and sunny. I'd prefer cool and breezy myself. I can manage the warm if I have to, but it will be easier to get the pics I want if it's not too sunny. Of course we've got lots [...]
I feel a tiny bit bad that it's been so long since I've put out a pattern. The last one was Chamfer in what, February? Now to be fair, the e version of The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet did go live in March, so it's not like you've not got something to keep your needles busy. But still, I'm used to putting out an individual pattern every month or so, and the longer time frame is making me a bit twitchy. But never fear, it's all in the service of a bigger project! After seeing how much fun Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet [...]
Less Crumpled
Still not benefiting from a full on proper block, but at least here it's pulled a bit smoother than before. The difference is encouraging. With any luck at all, I'll have it finished tomorrow. Next will come a vigorous blocking session for all the mini book pieces. The Boy and I checked out the planned location for the photoshoot this weekend, and I think we'll be able to get some really good shots. In the meantime, I've been putting all of your bugbite solutions to the test. So far, Benadryl seems to be working best for me. I'll continue the [...]
This is the final piece for the mini book I mentioned the other day. It's still in the ever-exciting 'crumpled pile of crap' phase that most knitting projects have to endure. I have great faith though, and I'm pretty darn sure it will be properly cute once I have a bit more done (and once it gets a suitably vicious block). The mini book is coming along well. Next up is a wee photo shoot, maybe even this coming weekend (which is good because if we wait too much longer we risk heat stroke while modeling knitwear, and that's no [...]
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