Last Call
One tiny administrative announcement. The paper copies of Ne'er-Do-Well Knits are just about sold out. A tiny handful remain, and I expect them to all be spoken for in the next few days. Whenever I run out of a paper book, I always hear from folks who are sad they don't have a physical copy. If that's you, this is your official last call on this one. Grab it now if you want it! When they're gone, they're gone (though it will still be available in electronic format).
Space Cadet Giveaway
[Edit: The giveaway is over and the winner has been notified, thanks to everyone who entered!] How about we take a little break from the trip stuff and do something a bit more traditional for a day, hmm? Would you like to win some yarn? Specifically, would you like to win a skein of the amazing Space Cadet Creations' Astrid DK in your choice of colors? I rather thought you might! Astrid is what I used to make the Miscreant cuffs in Ne'er-Do-Well Knits. It's delicious. A nice round 4-ply, 100% merino -- sproingy and squishy and hugely versatile. I [...]
Labels are being applied and envelopes are being stuffed. The bench on the front porch is groaning under the weight of the books piled upon it (or maybe that's the postman groaning at the thought of all these books). But either way, the books are going out today. They should start reaching you next week. Thanks to all of you who preordered. Be sure to come back over the next few weeks as I introduce some of the yarns and tell you a bit more about the projects (and yes, yes there will be giveaways). Just a few more rounds [...]
Remember how I said this whole book launch thing is happening this week (instead of, say, next month) because the printer got the books done early? And so the books would be arriving at my house early...super duper early? Well this is what it looks like when the (rather overworked) UPS guy brings a book. That's one stack of boxes. One rather tall stack of boxes. There are others you can't quite see from here. After the requisite amount of squeeing and dancing (if you're not allowed to do a happy dance when a new book comes, I'm not sure [...]
Ne’er-Do-Well Knits
May I present Ne'er-Do-Well Knits: Make a Little Trouble. You guys have watched the patterns in this one come together over the last year or so, and you have not been shy about asking when they would be out (especially those cabled socks on the front, they seem to be a fave). I kept saying 'fall' and 'soon,' and you were very gracious about waiting. Well there's no need to wait any more. You can get the book now. I am doing a little preorder, but it's only for three days. During those three days, you'll get three dollars off [...]
Ne’er-Do-Well Knits preorder details
Two orders of business today. One is getting you all the details of the Ne'er-Do-Well Knits preorder so you can grab it tomorrow at the reduced price. But, first...and far more important, super adorable bonus kitten shot. That's from a little adventure we had this weekend, the details of which will be shared later this week. But it seemed cruel not to just go ahead and get that level of adorable out to the world right away. So there you go, hope that starts your week off right. Now, on to business. Preorders. Yes I'm doing one, but I'm keeping [...]
Unexpectedly Prompt
Every now and then, just to keep you on your toes, things happen off schedule. Things like the printer sending your book to you. Now usually...usually things get delayed and you have to bang your head against the wall and wail and wonder why the universe is taunting you. But occasionally, it works the other way. Occasionally, things come early. That's what has happened here. The latest mini book is arriving from the printer early. Quite early in fact. So early that I get to spend this weekend getting the website set up and doing all the background machinations necessary [...]
And now, the result of yesterday's little adventure (that is, the pretty pictures that will likely show up in some format in the pattern, as opposed to the one that shows off the moment of 'look, train!' that yesterday's post featured). And just so you know, these socks will be part of another mini book (something on the scale of Rabble Rousers). It should be out this fall in both paper and electronic versions, and will have 6-7 patterns (some socks, some accessories). These socks are going to be called Scoundrel, and they will be on the cover (it's about [...]
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