Never ending swatches
Ok, we did swatches parts one and two already, let's see if we can't fit the last three all in at once! I want all the bonus points for reblocking this swatch so I could take a decent photo of it for you. Yarn is Chickadee by Quince and Co in the color Angelica. What I probably should have done is shown you blocked and unblocked versions of this swatch. For you see, this stitch pattern looks...ah...shall we say indistinct in it's unblocked state? That's a polite word for it, right?⠀ ⠀ But...the good news here is that when you [...]
Yet more swatches
We're picking up where we left off last time and showing off more swatches for this year's book (which is coming in, checks watch, um, about three weeks). We'll start with this one. Yarn is Signature Sock Yarn by OnTheRound in the color Robin’s Egg. I am a sucker for cables. I like designing them. I like knitting them. I like wearing them. But...they can be sneaky little beasts. If you're going to put them on socks, you need to have a plan. For you see, cables make your fabric less stretchy than stockinette or ribbing. And you sort [...]
I mean I suppose technically it’s more ribbing…
So now we're at the bit where I more or less...well...have to knit ribbing again. And I'm not quite sure why an inch of ribbing at the bottom, before the fun bits, feels like endless purgatory, but three inches of ribbing at the top feels like zipping towards the finish. But somehow it does. So I'm not actually minding tooooooo much. Though if we're being honest, it's still not my favorite bit. Perhaps my uncharacteristic stoicism is because it means it's just about time to do the crown. And I have a suspicion brioche crowns are their own special kind [...]
The fun bits
The ribbing is never my favorite bit. In fact, the ribbing is the bit I sternly make myself do because I know I will like wearing the finished thing better as a result. But heart is in it for the swirly middle bits. Though to be fair, I was rather pleased with myself for being comfy enough with brioche to reach the 'yup, ready to be done with the ribbing' stage right on schedule. I'm pretty sure you can't be both bored and scared at the same time, so if I got to bored, then I'm well past scared, [...]
Let’s have some more of that, shall we?
While I was distracting you with the fetching orange striped mitts, the hat decided to get bigger. Quite a bit bigger actually... So big that I may only have room for five colors (the set comes with six, and I'd hoped to have room for them all, but that may not quite work out). I'm torn between the pale green, and the yellow. The green feels a little cooler, somehow more sedate. And the yellow more cheerful. I think either is probably actually fine...but somehow that makes the choice all the harder.
Not even pretending any more
That's it. I'm just accepting that gray hats are my thing, I love them, I knit a lot of them, I'm not sorry, and I'm not going to change. That said...there's a good chance this one might distract you from the underlying gray with rather a lot of colorful bits...(it's Everyday DK by ontheround in Silver Lining Tweed...and it is grand). And if you hold tight for just a second while I zip through the stockinette bit, you might spy some actual non-gray yarn. Quite a lot of non-gray yarn come to think of it...(that's ontheround's Everyday Lite in Silver [...]
No really…I mostly just swatch
I've done you a disservice. I got all distracted showing this particular bit of fluff off on instagram and sort of forgot to show it off here too (I know, I find it odd too...but your best chance of seeing all the things these days is to keep an eye on me over there). Remember the On The Round rainbow goodness from the other day? Well it turned into a swatch. And then that swatch got tweaked and turned into another swatch. And then that swatch went all sorts of good places. This is going to end up being a [...]
Yarn fairy
From time to time I get an idea, I chat with someone about that idea, and then yarn comes in the mail. Pretty pretty yarn. Yarn that will come together into what I hope will be rather magical. If the speckly bit looks familiar, that's because it's from Ontheround and it's what I used to knit the heart on circs the other day. It's their Everyday DK. And the rainbow one is their Everyday Lite in Silver Lining Rainbow. And I suspect the two are going to have no end of fun together! There will be swatching. Lots and lots [...]
So last time I showed off (just a bit) of the pretty from the trip to Maine. But I know you guys are here more for yarn than for general travel festivities. And don't worry, there was yarn. No really I checked. There was. First up, a bit of Malabrigo. And no, it's not local to Maine, but I strongly prefer to buy Malabrigo in person, and these four were too lovely to pass up! And when in Maine, you're pretty much contractually obligated to get a bit of Seven Sisters Arts. That contract? It totally covers String Theory too. [...]
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