
Pssst...Drifts is out in all the usual places (ravelry and payhip)!⁠ If you sort of haaaaaaaaappened to use the code FLURRIES, that would be clever of you (though if you get email from me, do check your inbox first, because that's always where the even shinier codes end up).⁠ You have been flatteringly eager for these, and I confess I am excited to see what you do with them. And if you want to use the same gorgeous yarn to embroider yours, Seven Sisters Arts has lovely little mini bundles to let you do just that! ⁠ Now really, the [...]

December 3, 2024|


So it seems only reasonable to add some jellyfish to the menagerie, right? I mean we already have urchins, jellyfish seem like a natural next step. The pattern is called Peculiarities, yes those are air plants for the tentacles (you can use fake ones or yarn scraps if you prefer, but don't worry you can totally water them if you use real ones), and yes this knitting pattern does come with a built in excuse to get a ridiculous drink with a mountain of whipped cream on top (the lids that come on those are what's giving our blobby friends [...]

October 8, 2024|


Fangs is out on both payhip and ravelry, and you can use the code BATTY for 15% off for the next few days! Now look, I know you do not need these. Literally no one needs these. They fulfill no vital function. Billions and billions and billions of humans will live perfectly happy lives completely unaware of their existence. However, a small sliver of folks will become aware of them. Because by some twist of fate, I managed to make a life where I get to show my toys to lots of people on the internet. And an even small sliver [...]

September 17, 2024|


These are called Grounding, and they're out on both ravelry and payhip. You can use the code SLIPPERS for 15% off in either place through the end of the week. Or, if you're a Rampant Nonsense member on Patreon, you get this pattern and a bunch of others included with your membership. There's a whole list of them! These are just fun to put together. They start at the center back of the heel with a double sided cast on. You work flat until your fabric is long enough to meet in front of your ankle, then you start working in [...]

September 4, 2024|


Oddities is out, you can find it on ravelry and payhip, and you can use the code TIDEPOOL for 15% off for the first couple of days it's out (or, folks on the Rampant Nonsense level on patreon get it for free as part of their membership). Look, this was all but inevitable. How many times have I gotten half way through a hat crown and said 'huh, this looks like a sea urchin.' That can only happen so many times before you just give in and decide 'ok, I shall knit a sea urchin.'   Or a whole pile [...]

August 6, 2024|


Ok so the plan had been to put this out like a regular pattern. But then my sock model ended up with a schedule conflict. And normally I'd just wait and bring it out later, but patience is Not My Strong Suit Right Now. So we'll compromise! This one will be free to anyone on patreon (yes, even the free patreon memberships) until I manage to get out and get photos with real feet in them (don't worry, you'll get an update when I get new pics). Do I know when that will be? Nope! It involves coordinating the schedules of [...]

May 29, 2024|


Clasped is out, and I should probably warn you away. I should probably tell you not to make one of these. In fact, yes, let me just go ahead and officially warn you against making them right at the start. Because once you make one, you're almost certainly going to want to make another. And once you show someone else what you've made, you're almost certainly going find yourself getting all sorts of longing looks or hints or outright requests to make more. Now to be fair, these are easy requests to say yes to (the knitting is simple and [...]

May 14, 2024|


Delineated is here, and you can find it on both ravelry and payhip. Use the code WAVY for a little something off for the first few days it's out (as always, if you get email from me, do check your inbox first, you've got a different code waiting for you there). This all started because I wanted to see if I could draw lines on my knitting. The answer was a resounding yes, yes I can absolutely draw lines on my knitting. And so can you! And I knew the lines were gonna be cute, but I didn't expect that [...]

April 23, 2024|

Popped Expansion Pack

So, this is a little different than my usual patterns. Instead of being instructions to make a specific thing, it's more like a bag of blocks! You've got a whole bunch of pieces (more than 70 different charts), all based around the same lovely stitch pattern, that you can stack up to make all sorts of things. ⁠ Now don’t worry, I do tell you exactly how to make both of the hats you see in the picture! But I do that as a starting point, as an example of how you might put the pieces together. My real intent [...]

April 9, 2024|
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