The Stars Did Not Align

We're actually pretty good at the short trip thing.  We don't overpack (for one or two nights we just share a super tiny rolling bag).  We understand the importance of snacks.  We have the music situation well under control.  I know all about the care and feeding of car knitting.  We have a system.  Usually, it just sort of works.  But this weekend...this weekend we never quite found our groove. It started when we woke up on Saturday and found the furnace had given up the ghost.  We have a service plan through our gas company, so we called them [...]

December 5, 2011|


We're sneaking off to Pittsburgh for an evening over the weekend.  There's a concert (shocking I know, so unlike us).  Along the way we'll visit a yarn store (or two), a book store (or three), and just perhaps the odd brewery.  There's a plan, and there will be a report when we return.  The only thing we don't have lined up is restaurants...any suggestions? And because this is the sort of blog post that is certain to elicit the suggestion that I start using twitter...all I can say is I'm working on it.  I've never been what you'd call an [...]

December 2, 2011|


I cast on the second mitt as we pulled out of the parking lot to head off to Pittsburgh.  I knit on the drive, I knit at dinner, I knit at drinks.  I did not knit at the show (it was dark and crowded) or at the hotel (we didn't get in until 2).  I did knit on the drive to Ikea and at lunch.  Amazingly, I actually drove back from Pittsburgh, so I didn't knit then either.  When we got home, I saw that the new Cast-On was up (yay).  I knit through that, and then for a few [...]

October 19, 2010|

Wee Jaunt

Sometimes, when The List Of Things That Ought To Be Done gets too long, the best thing to do is pack up and run away.  Not always.  If you always respond that way, nothing ever gets done.  But, every once in a while, especially when The List contains a lot of those guilt items (like muck out the garage and organize the basement and rake the leaves) that don't really matter all that much in the grand scheme of things, running away is the best way to handle it. Our favorite band, Jukebox the Ghost was playing in Pittsburgh Friday [...]

October 17, 2010|
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