Stash dive
This should be out next week, and I wanted to run the yarn down with you so you can go on a stash dive/lys excursion as needed! So, I used three yarns for this (though you could get away with just two if you were so inclined). The dark purple at the brim and the gray on the hat body are two different colors of the same base. And then there's some wild pink floofy business held alongside the gray yarn and for the squiggly lines. On my hat, I used La Bien Aimée's Merino DK in Madeleine for the [...]
I...I am usually not fond of stockinette. It makes my brain too sleepy. However I have made an exception for this, both because the yarn is so damn yummy (Seven Sisters Arts will do that) and because the (rather sedate) giant pile of stockinette will turn into the closest thing I have ever seen to a knitting magic trick here in just a moment. I just have to figure out the best way to show you. Not exactly sure how I'm going to do that. But I'll figure it out. In the meantime, I just need a couple more rows...
Have a word
Which one of you was in charge of telling me how much fun helix knitting is? We need to have a word. Because while I appreciate that you did eventually get the message to me, I must say that I wish you'd done it a tiny bit quicker. This is NIFTY. Nifty and tidy. Nifty and tidy and easy. And really, that's a great combo. (Yarns are all Seven Sisters Arts' magic, floofy laceweight held double with smoother things, and I love you all dearly but I am not burrowing through the label pile to figure out what right's [...]
Popped is back and oh, oh I have some feelings about this one! These came out fifteen years ago, and they were my very first pattern. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing—no clue how to write a pattern or take a decent picture. But somehow I talked myself into doing it anyway. And folks liked them, so I did it again. And again. And again. Now here we are, fifteen years later, and somehow those socks that I knit for my own amusement and wrote up on whim have turned into a career and a dozen books [...]
Shiny object
So socks were the first knitting project that actually held my attention long enough to finish the damn thing before I got distracted by the next shiny object to cross my path and wandered off to do something new. What can I say, the ADHD is strong in me, and I was terrifyingly unmedicated at the time. But socks...just about when you were getting bored with the cuff, it was time to do the leg. And then came the heel, and yet another chance to change things up a bit. Then comes a heel turn (which will feel like [...]
Boss of your knitting
Do you have to block your socks? No, of course not. You are the boss of your knitting, and a grown up, and I have absolutely no power to compel you to do anything at all. I do, however, want to show you what blocking your socks does and talk about when I do it and when you might want to do it. The first picture shows a pair of socks fresh of the needles, never once touched by water. You can see that they're lovely, but a bit crumpled. This is totally normal. The second shows one of them slid [...]
With all the Squishy Feelings Nonsense yesterday, I didn't actually talk much about the knitting. Let's fix that! This is a swatch to work out out some sizing for the first of the socks I'm revisiting. Like I said yesterday, a lot of the earliest patterns only came in one or two sizes, and That's Not How We Do Things Now. And while sometimes adding more sizes is just a matter of adding an extra stitch repeat, sometimes you have to do something a little more involved. Here, each and every size requires five different charts. One for the cuff [...]
Old Flame
Remember how I said I was having a fling with an old flame (aka socks, my first knitting love)? Well, it's official, I'm still fond of socks (even if my shoulder doesn't allow for a long term relationship). And next month will mark fifteen YEARS since my first pattern came out. So I decided to spend a little time with some of those very earliest patterns. And oh...oh I can see the enthusiasm of a new fascination stamped all over them! I really did just knit whatever amused me and then figure out how to write it down after the [...]
Rather nifty
It occurs to me that I have not properly shown you the inside of these. And that's a shame, for the inside is...rather nifty. It's also quite different on the contrast color version (that's the teal/gold one) than on the solid color version (that's the blue/purple one). And look, I knew the inside of the solid color one was pretty, so I expected the inside of the contrast color one to look cool too. But I did not expect THAT. And no, no I don't like the inside better than the front. But I do like it a whole [...]
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