Thanks so much to everyone who commented on the Anemochory post! The winner is StepCat, and I'll be sending her an email to arrange delivery of her goodies. Don't forget that everyone else is welcome to take advantage of the 10% off offer at SlackFord Studio until the end of the month by using the code 'Hunter' at checkout! I'll be back soon with more book yarn and hopefully some progress pics of my current sock (I've got to quell the rumors that I've abandoned knitting all together).
Giveaways and Patterns and Goodies Oh My!
Anemochory are out! These were made with the lovely Hedonist Sock from SlackFord Studio, and you've been watching me work on them for the last few weeks. They're smooshy and warm and indulgent and just the sort of thing I love to put my feet in...when it's not hot. I'm pretty sure it will get cold again eventually, and I'll be breaking these out just as soon as I can bring myself to put anything on my feet again...say some time in September. Now this temporary sock wearing hiatus does not reflect a sock knitting hiatus, at least not for [...]
So I apparently really need to paint my back stairs. Until I do, we'll just have to pretend they make a fetching backdrop for sock pictures. As for the socks themselves, they're not quite this pink in real life. The sun was setting and the light was a bit funny. I'm not cool enough to correct it. Imagine them a wee bit more purple. You can also try and imagine what my neighbor thought when she came outside to mow her lawn and found me, sitting on the porch in a pajama shirt and jeans, feet held at an unnatural [...]
Proof I'm here, proof I'm knitting, and (alas) proof that my yard is a bit shaggy. These are made with the lovely Hedonist Sock, which is a marvelous merino cashmere nylon mix. I've used this blend of materials before (in Brigid, Graupel, and Slant) and always enjoy it. It's very comfortable to work with and seems to hold up well even after repeated washings. The blend does pose just a bit of a challenge to design with though. It tends to be...soft. I don't mean soft to the touch (though it certainly is that), but soft as in the opposite [...]
There's a new project on the needles, and for once it's not a secret. I'm making socks with Slackford Studio's lovely Hedonist yarn, and I'm free to blab about them all I want. I just seem to be unable to remember to get a picture. It's rather hard to say much about a sock without a picture to back it up. Rest assured that they are underway (I've just started the heel flap) and that they will be making an appearance soon. The weather here has been suspiciously perfect, and these socks have been knit largely on the patio. Every [...]
Greatly Exaggerated
I am assuredly not dead. Busy, yes. Dead, no. Thanks to the folks who emailed to check though. I do like knowing that if I ever should be dead, someone might notice before the cats have the chance to nibble on too much of me. Hopefully The Boy would notice, but he gets busy too sometimes, so it's good to have a back up system at the ready. Busy with what you ask? Why the book of course, which explains much of my dreadful silence. Luckily, the part of the project where all of my knitting time is focused on [...]
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