Anemochory (plus giveaway)

I am so glad you all are indulging me and letting me bring my early patterns back out.  Anemochory are just too lovely to keep tucked away any longer! You know how, when you're new at something, you don't have the good sense to know what's going to be hard, so you just sort of dive in to all sorts of things?  That was totally what happened with these. Knitting them wasn't hard, but writing them down proved challenging for 2010 me.  Luckily, I've had some practice at this sock writing thing between now and then, and 2015 me had [...]

September 29, 2015|

Scatterling (plus giveaway)

Sometimes, you just want a big cable.  A big, bold cable that knows who's in charge and isn't afraid to boss you around a little bit.  Scatterling fits the bill, and I'm delighted to have them back out. These are one of the very few projects I've ever knit twice.  I made the first pair for my grandfather way back in 2009.  Then I made a second pair for the initial pattern release in 2010.  There's just something about the big cables that sweet talked me into being willing to do them again.  (Someone else was kind enough to make [...]

September 15, 2015|

Gramercy (plus giveaway)

You know how some knitting projects just sort of seem like little magic tricks?  Either they come together faster than they should, or they use less yarn than you'd expect, or they look so much fancier than they have any right to given how easy they are.  Well Gramercy pretty much does all of those things!  I'm delighted to bring them back out. They use a marvelous little lace motif that has a lot going for it.  It's easy enough to be a perfect introduction to fancy socks, but interesting enough that you won't get bored, even if you're a [...]

September 1, 2015|

Sock Mountain

Let's get back to basics for a moment, shall we?  How about some knitting.  I distinctly recall a point when this blog was pretty much all knitting all the time, and I think we could perhaps do with a bit more of that, yes?  So, look, a sock in progress! You'll note I've piled the sock in progress atop his completed fellow and the ball of yarn, perhaps in an attempt to show him how nice it is to be all big and tall and sock like.  I'm hoping it will encourage him to get with the program. But, on the [...]

July 10, 2015|

Totally A Sock

I've checked, this is totally a sock.  It has all of the sock parts you need to officially declare it a sock.  Even non-knitters could successfully identify it. The only question is how long will it take me to do the second one.  We all know it will be a while.  Especially since I have sort of a neat idea for a few variations on a theme for this one. I'm not sure if I'll end up making a regular pair, a fraternal pair, or if I'll enlist the help of a favorite yarn company to actually get a few [...]

June 9, 2015|


The sock continues to grow! Funny how fast that plain bit in the middle goes...there might be something to all those folks who like more sedate socks.  But the plain bit is rapidly approaching its end (which is good, because while it's fast, it's not exactly holding my attention).  We'll be doing a bit of a toe boogie here next.  I predict it will be nifty.    

June 5, 2015|

Attention Span

The sock now has its very own leg and heel flap (and lovely ones at that). I've figured out how I want to handle the foot and the toes.  I'm quite confident these will be cozy socks.  Alas, knowing how I want them to look means that I'm completely and totally ready for the sock to be done, and I don't especially want to knit any more of it. This is actually the problem I have with most knitting.  I love the figuring out bit.  And I love the having the finished object bit.  I'm just not so keen on [...]

May 27, 2015|

A Good Start

Did I mention I'm deep in the middle of the next book (the one that should be out in early fall 2015)?  I'm at that stage where all the patterns are written and most of the projects back with me.  The sock part of the projects look a little something like this. If you've been paying alarmingly close attention for the last little while, you'll notice that those are six of the seven yarns shown here (the seventh is underway).  Now that they're here and blocked and stacked up in a nice neat little pile, I'm even more convinced than [...]

January 1, 2015|

Bounce bounce bounce

I am generally rather orderly.  Some might say alarmingly orderly.  I'm a huge fan of breaking a large task into smaller ones, putting the pieces in the right order, allocating time for them, and moving through the list.  I've written and published five books in the last few years.  You sort of have to be orderly to pull that off.  At least I do. But right now I'm feeling scattered.  It's not the bad sort of scattered, it's the 'oh holy crap muffins I just had the best idea and now I am absolutely itching to implement it please can [...]

August 7, 2014|
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