Stash dive
So you know how I said I was doing things a little differently this month? The idea was to take some time off. So far I seem to be completely failing at that. I took time off from bringing out new patterns (I'm doing Summer School and showing off some old ones instead). But instead of actually not working and instead relaxing, all I can think of is all the new stuff I want to make. But that's part of the fun, right? And as part of that plotting out new schemes thing, I did the occasional full toss of [...]
Those of you who have not had the distinct pleasure of living with me may not know one of my dirty little secrets. I am a stress cleaner. If I am feeling frazzled, I tidy things. And, conversely, if things are untidy, I feel frazzled. So yesterday, when I went to put something in my office closet and took full account of the mess in there, I sort of snapped. I decided that I simply had to take an hour or two out of the day and purge the stash. It was a fairly brutal purge if I'm being honest. [...]
Rank Amateur
I am a crap spinner. No, really. Crap. I have no skill. I have put in very little practice. My approach to date has been 'pretend...I'm sure if I just pretend, I'll grasp it by instinct without the application of any effort.' So far, not much success, but it is amusing. This usually does not bother me much. One of the benefits of this method is that I don't spend any time spinning, so my deficiencies don't have much opportunity to trouble me. But this Saturday I decided to clean out the stash. One of the things uncovered in the [...]
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