
This? This is alas another of those things best done by pointing and gesturing and talking. The video that goes with this is up on a public post on patreon and also on instagram, and you should go look at one of those for a second first so this makes sense! Ok, so first I must emphasize, Do Not Fret If This Looks Like Gibberish! But this is sort of how I draw out stitch patterns when it's JUST for me. Just for my own use, not ever to be inflicted on anyone else in any but the most informal [...]

July 11, 2023|

Mind the Gap

I warned you I was going to indulge myself and talk about the nerdy bits of these mitts, so let's just do that. Let's talk about how to handle that little gap you can sometimes get between the hand part of the mitt and the thumb part of the mitt. When you make a mitt, you (generally) set some stitches aside for the thumb, finish off the hand, then come back and make a tube for your thumb using the stitches you set aside. BUT, if you just start making a tube with your set aside thumb stitches and nothing [...]

July 7, 2023|

Tacit (plus giveaway)

I know quite a few of you have been eagerly awaiting these.  So, for anyone in a tearing hurry, let me just go ahead and say Tacit are out.  You can grab them and cast on right now.  But do swing back by when you have a moment, as I've got yarn to give away down below! So I know lots of folks watched this one come together (someone linked to one of the early posts about them on pinterest and it sort of blew up, which is totally nifty).  And the thing I kept getting asked over and over [...]

June 7, 2016|
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