Rabble Rousers Giveaway, Take Three

Do you guys mind if I do this giving yarn away thing again?  I'm hoping not, because I'm having fun!  I've got a skein of Handmaiden Silk Twist to give away.  This is the yarn I used for the Tumult cowl in Rabble Rousers. I've loved Handmaiden (and their sister company, Fleece Artist) for just about as long as I've been knitting.  They were one of my very first 'grown up' yarn purchases (the stuff that comes from a yarn store instead of from a generic craft store), and theirs are still the yarns I'm most likely to bring home [...]

August 7, 2012|


We had the photo shoot.  I remembered to bring both the camera and all the knitting.  No one died of heat stroke.  We did not get arrested (opinions vary on whether we were, strictly speaking, allowed to be in that building at that time).  All in all, the day was a rousing success.  Oh, and we got good pictures too!  These are just a few of the favorites of the moment.  There are lots more to be seen later. Tumult cowl: Clamor hat: Uproar cuff:

May 22, 2012|


I feel a tiny bit bad that it's been so long since I've put out a pattern.  The last one was Chamfer in what, February?  Now to be fair, the e version of The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet did go live in March, so it's not like you've not got something to keep your needles busy.  But still, I'm used to putting out an individual pattern every month or so, and the longer time frame is making me a bit twitchy.  But never fear, it's all in the service of a bigger project! After seeing how much fun Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet [...]

May 16, 2012|

One Down

The Tumult cowl is off the needles and blocked.  I finished it up on the drive home from Maryland Sheep & Wool.  It's lovely and light and lacy.  It will look splendid on an actual human.  It looks less than splendid when laying on my back porch railing.  Alas, I'm not skilled enough (or perhaps it's brave enough) to take a picture of it on myself.  You'll have to make do with this for now.  I promise pretty pics when I next get a willing victim to play model!  

May 9, 2012|

Today’s Lesson

You know how all the instructions in every knitting book ever strongly encourage you to block your swatches?  Yeah.  I'm here to remind you of the same thing.  This time with a demonstration. You see, I'm working on a little cowl.  It's a lovely fabric, open without being lacy, structured without being stiff.  I'm rather taken with it.  The yarn was new to me (Handmaiden's Silk Twist), so of course I swatched.  And because I'm lazy and only want to knit it once, I blocked my swatch.  It's a good thing I did, because the swatch grew by about 50% [...]

April 19, 2012|
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