Anemochory (plus giveaway)

I am so glad you all are indulging me and letting me bring my early patterns back out.  Anemochory are just too lovely to keep tucked away any longer! You know how, when you're new at something, you don't have the good sense to know what's going to be hard, so you just sort of dive in to all sorts of things?  That was totally what happened with these. Knitting them wasn't hard, but writing them down proved challenging for 2010 me.  Luckily, I've had some practice at this sock writing thing between now and then, and 2015 me had [...]

September 29, 2015|

Shameless shameless pretty

Yes, yes  the obsession continues.  No, I am not sorry.  I'm also not done, so there are going to be at least a few more of these. But, in the interest of being useful, I'll answer a few questions.  Yes, it's skinny pencil roving (about sport weight maybe?  I'm knitting on 4s.).  No, I'd never seen it before either, but I'm fond of it.  No, I don't know where to find this exact stuff (I got it at Rhinebeck, three years ago, at a jewelry stand that just happened to have this one kind of yarn), but if you search [...]

September 28, 2015|

Signs of Life

I have done a thorough investigation and can now confidently say that being sick sucks.  Refusing to lay down and rest so as to get better seems to prolong being sick.  Doing even more stuff than usual because you're busy and things need to get done seems to actually make it worse.  Despite my very best efforts, I appear not to be able to will this germ away and have had to actually lay down and rest as opposed to saying I will lay down and rest and completely neglecting to do so.  I really don't think this is fair [...]

October 31, 2010|


So I apparently really need to paint my back stairs.  Until I do, we'll just have to pretend they make a fetching backdrop for sock pictures. As for the socks themselves, they're not quite this pink in real life.  The sun was setting and the light was a bit funny.  I'm not cool enough to correct it.  Imagine them a wee bit more purple.  You can also try and imagine what my neighbor thought when she came outside to mow her lawn and found me, sitting on the porch in a pajama shirt and jeans, feet held at an unnatural [...]

May 15, 2010|


Proof I'm here, proof I'm knitting, and (alas) proof that my yard is a bit shaggy. These are made with the lovely Hedonist Sock, which is a marvelous merino cashmere nylon mix.  I've used this blend of materials before (in Brigid, Graupel, and Slant) and always enjoy it.  It's very comfortable to work with and seems to hold up well even after repeated washings. The blend does pose just a bit of a challenge to design with though.  It tends to be...soft.  I don't mean soft to the touch (though it certainly is that), but soft as in the opposite [...]

May 11, 2010|
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