Next up
Remember how I said that the current mailing list goody was about to go away so I could bring out something new? Well I have it on good authority that you're going to want to be sure you're in on that...the new piece is rather fetching. Here it is on my patent-pending (this is a blatant lie), super nifty (that part's true) cowl blocking device. Yes, I do call it the frilly lampshade, and yes it is the best way I've found to block a cowl without getting any pesky wrinkles. You should totally be doing this to all your [...]
Still Smitten
Yup, this yarn in the mail thing never ever ever gets old. These lovelies are from Anzula, and I suspect grand things are going to be happening with them! That's dreamy in Gravity. And that's Squishy in Cardamom. And oh my are they lovely. I swear those folks can do no wrong!
Phaeodaria (plus giveaway)
You know how sometimes I come along and say 'so I know this looks tricky, but you'll have it down in no time?' Well that's not these socks. Phaeodaria actually are just a tiny bit tricky, but wow are they worth it! The leg? It's one big chart with a lovely, intricate, twirly, swirly extravaganza of tiny twisted cables. I won’t lie to you, you will totally need to pay a bit of attention for that part (really though, I have faith in you, you can totally do it). But I’m not completely heartless. By the time you get to [...]
Argent, Fourth Curls KAL
We're doing knitalongs for the patterns in Curls, and it's time for the fourth pattern in the book, Argent. I am a firm believer in low-key knitalongs, so there isn't really too much structure. All the details for this one are over the KAL thread in my ravelry group. But the gist is knit this pattern over the next two months, show it off and talk about it in that thread, and some time after the KAL ends I’ll send someone who posted a picture of a finished project something fun in the mail. Pretty simple really! We’ve already got [...]
Argent & Anzula (giveaway)
I'm using the Curls preorder to introduce the patterns and yarns from the book. I'll be featuring a new pair each day. Most of the yarn companies have donated lovely prizes, so come back every day to see what's new! Argent in Cloud from Anzula If I'm being honest, I'll confess that my own personal difficulty wearing shawls was a significant motivating factor in making this book. I'm really not good with shawls. On a bad day, even scarves have been known to prove challenging. The whole goal of Curls was to make pieces even I could wear. But, even [...]
Bounce bounce bounce
I am generally rather orderly. Some might say alarmingly orderly. I'm a huge fan of breaking a large task into smaller ones, putting the pieces in the right order, allocating time for them, and moving through the list. I've written and published five books in the last few years. You sort of have to be orderly to pull that off. At least I do. But right now I'm feeling scattered. It's not the bad sort of scattered, it's the 'oh holy crap muffins I just had the best idea and now I am absolutely itching to implement it please can [...]
Not a Sock in Sight
We talked the other day about sock yarns for the book after next, but as usual, the book is more than just socks. Some of the non-sock yarns have also started to arrive, and they're delightful. Up at the top there, in all of its lovely pinkness, is Manos Fino in Rosewater. That's going to become an absolutely delicious shawl. Moving clockwise around the circle, the next one is Anzula Oasis in Seaside. This is also destined for some sort of wrap (it's a silk/camel blend, and I anticipate greatness). Then we've got Sweet Georgia Trinity Worsted in Silver. I'm [...]
Well, they're done, and the pattern's out! It's been a long road for these mitts. I first made them an alarmingly long time ago (they were one of the very first mitts I did). I knit them, loved them, wrote up the pattern, folks made them, all was well. Then, last year, I started to get an itch. An itch to completely re-do many of my favorite early patterns. I tried to ignore that itch for a very long time (it's a huge undertaking), but I could not. So I jumped in. I started with these. First, I knit another [...]
On the Value of Following Instructions
You know how that last instruction in most every pattern is something to do with blocking? And you know how you may occasionally want to blatantly ignore that instruction? Mmmm, yes. Next time you're tempted to do that? Remember this picture. Same yarn, same needles, same knitter, worked the same week. One blocked and one not (yet) blocked. Which do you think will look better on? The goal is to have these blocked and dry for Sunday morning so The Boy and I can go traipsing around this neat half-collapsed greenhouse and take some pictures. Should be cool, if we [...]
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