The pattern for Irresolute, the delightful, reversible hat and mitt set, is now up on ravelry. I'm completely taken with these, and I suspect you're going to be charmed by them, too. You know those bits of knitting where you're not actually doing anything tricky, but the finished piece looks like you've done some kind of magic trick? I sort of love those, and I suspect you do, too. And this set totally falls into that category. Add in that it's reversible (the side you see above is what will be facing you as you work, but it looks like [...]
Close Call
After asking here, on twitter, on pinterest, and on ravelry, the answer to which pattern to put out next seems to be the hat and mitts. The votes were very close, but the idea of getting the hat out while there was still time to make and wear it this winter won out. So, look for this pattern on Tuesday (and if you were cheering for socks, don't despair, they will be out early next month). Oh, and if you want an email when this (or any other pattern) comes out, be sure you're on the mailing list. I always [...]
Decisions, Decisions
So, I've got finished knitting, I've got finished patterns, all I need is photos. Luckily, I've also managed to flee my snowy, freezing home and come somewhere a bit warmer (not warm mind you, I'm still walking around bundled up in woolies, just warmer). Looks a bit like this. Even luckier, I actually managed to bring the knitting in need of a photo shoot (on the theory that it might be easier to find a spot to take pictures here than at home). I intend to press my willing victim into service and get two patterns worth of pictures while [...]
Perfectly Normal
Someone reassure me that it is perfectly normal to have 'block the knits you plan to photograph on the trip' as a step on one's adventure planning checklist. Everybody does that, right? That's the blue socks you've all been asking about and the purple hat and mitts from last winter. That hat and mitts are totally totally done (as in the pattern is written, laid out, and tested). As soon as I have proper pics slotted in, I'll be ready to release it. And The Boy (it's his hat) and I are off to somewhere both picturesque and chilly here [...]
Tip Top
I really should be telling you about all the other stuff (slippers, that little experiment in gauge, a book or two) that's making progress in the background. But I'm not going to do that. I've been taken over by this purple hat and its reversible nature. It seemed dreadfully important that I come up with crown decreases that were every bit as reversible as the rest of the hat. I'm sure it's immodest to say, but I think I nailed it. Side A: Side B: It's all so marvelous tidy even I am impressed. The Boy continues to profess his [...]
I'm loving this more and more the taller it gets. This is three days of knitting. (The rounds are longer than you'd expect. Those cables are rather big and draw in the knitting a fair bit, meaning you need more stitches than you'd think to wrap comfortably around your head). I'm absolutely itching to have it done and have already hatched plans for a set of mitts to match. But I do feel like I need to mention something. Come here. Right up close. This is important. Listen carefully. Please do not get in touch with me and express your [...]
If I were feeling oppressed by the tyranny of a linear chronology, I would show you some of the things I worked on at the retreat. But I'm really really not. I am, instead, feeling incredibly distracted by the shininess of the new. So I'm showing you the hat I cast on Sunday night. That's one side, and the other side looks like this. I truly have not decided which is the outside and which the inside (and since it is The Boy's hat, I suppose he gets to make that determination for himself). So while it's not reversible in [...]
I'm not quite sure how to say this. I haven't knit in, well, days and days. I think Wednesday was the last time I knit. That's four whole days with no knitting. Not a swatch, not a hat, not a sock, nothing. Part of it was that I burned my hand a bit (it's almost completely healed now, no worries). Part of it was that we got a new dining room table this weekend and spent nearly every waking moment either hauling it in and setting it up, cleaning up after that rather destructive process, playing games, or preparing and [...]
Not A Jellyfish
I think I (scandalously) neglected to show you an on-the-head pic for the blue poufy hat. Bowl shots more or less work for round hats, not so much for poufy hats. We took a little stroll through a local park on Christmas and got pictures of the red hat and the blue hat and The Boy's hat. Apparently my hair is pretty much exactly the same color as leafless willow branches. Who knew? I'm still having some internal qualms about how to wear a poufy inclination is to send it off to the side, but the proper way seems [...]
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