
Having brawny lads scampering all over your house (banging and scraping and banging and climbing and banging and thumping) is rather more distracting than I had expected.  And I had expected it to be distracting.  I just hadn't expected it to drive me stark raving mad.  And I hadn't expected it to go on for days. What I did expect (it's an old house, it has trained me well), was to find some sort of lurking problem.  Don't get me wrong.  I love my old house.  It's pretty, and it's well made, and it looks and feels like a house [...]

September 8, 2011|

All Other Things Being Equal

The town I live in has a housing authority.  They inspect all houses every few years and send out letters informing the residents how they get to spend their summer vacations.  This year, they decided that Chez Violence was due for a new paint job. Now honestly, we needed it.  And we're lazy, so the letter from the housing office was likely a good kick in the pants.  But it meant we were in for a rather expensive and intrusive project.  We've had folks climbing all over the house for days (and many more days of it to come), [...]

September 4, 2011|

It’s a Process

Having decided to dye the blanket, I thought I should do a bit of research.  Armed with a bit of reading, I first washed the blanket (it hadn't been washed for years...because it had been in the blanket chest, not because I'm filthy).  Then I dug out my old jug of synthrapol from a previous tie dyeing phase and ran it through with a shot of that out of some vague notion that it would be helpful. Then, while the blanket was still wringing wet, I trundled off to mix up the dye. I used all three packets, and I [...]

September 1, 2011|

This Could be an Error

At some point in my youth and childhood, I went on a trip to Ireland.  While I was there, I got a blanket (from this company).  It seemed ruinously expensive at the time (I was a teenager, that was a lot of hours of babysitting), but I loved it and wanted it beyond all reason.  It lived in my room for many years.  For the last decade or so, it has lived in the bottom of my blanket chest. Its fall from grace is not its fault.  It's a lovely, sturdy, wooly blanket.  It does all of the things a [...]

August 31, 2011|

Brazen Hussy

I've completely abandoned all pretense of fidelity and become an absolutely brazen hussy.  I have a new beau.  Don't worry, The Boy knows all about it.  My new suitor is a teeny tiny porch kitten.  See? This little guy and I are totally courting.  He's come to the porch from time to time this Spring (he naps on one of the chairs), but now he seems to have made a bit more of a commitment.  Starting this past Friday, he's been on the porch every morning when we opened the door.  He'll sit and make googly eyes at our cats [...]

June 7, 2011|

A Small Change of Plans (or How I Came to Shove Pointy Metal Sticks into Expensive Electronic Equipment)

The plan had been to show you the sock from last time (now slightly taller, how shall you contain your excitement).  To this end, I whacked the sock on a blocker, clipped it in place, opened the curtains, and clicked away for a minute.  All pretty standard stuff.  Such actions are quite a normal part of my life these days.  I've stopped questioning them.  Then I took the card out of my camera, wandered over to my computer, and shoved it in.  Again, I've done this hundreds of times. But this time something felt wrong. The card didn't stop moving [...]

May 21, 2011|

Shameless Plug

There is absolutely no knitting content here.  None at all.  If you're only in it for the knitting, you'll want to wander away and come back tomorrow. Saturday night, we went to see our very favorite band ever.  Their name is Jukebox The Ghost, and they are made entirely of awesome.  If you're looking for some insanely peppy new music, check them out.  They've got quite a few free songs floating around on their website, and they're well worth a listen.  They are a sure fire cure for even the crappiest of moods.  They tour constantly, and are well worth [...]

May 3, 2011|

Ironing, Now With More Stabbing

This is how I made my curtains.  I'm telling you all about it because it's what I did (instead of knitting) for much of last week.  That means I don't have much knitting to tell you about.  It is likely not how you should make your curtains.  You should probably do it the proper way.  The way that involves lining, and special feet for your sewing machine, and possibly interfacing (whatever that actually is...I'm still unsure).  The way that doesn't speak so poorly of your mental health. 1 - Buy an old house.  The older the better.  This ensures that [...]

April 10, 2011|

A Lovely Few Days

Went quiet for a few days there, sorry about that.  We were holed up playing at hibernating. We did a bit of ice cream making.  We are, by the way, ice cream geniuses.  Our first batch is some of the tastiest ice cream I've ever had.  That swirl is salty caramel.  Because I like you and want you to have a happy and productive life (and because I don't want your pants to fit any better than mine) I will tell you how to make it some time in the next week or two.  We atoned for our caramel-y sins [...]

December 26, 2010|
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