It depends
Do I block my swatches? Eh, depends on what I'm using them for! In this case, I was checking to see if I liked this stitch pattern with this yarn for a pair of socks I'm getting reknit. And since that was all I was doing, I totally could have just taken the wee crumpled bit of business (photo two) and stretched it out between my fingers and said 'yup, that works' and carried on. But that only works because it's a yarn I'm familiar with, getting turned into a thing I'm familiar with, where the sizing isn't super important. [...]
This is why
The cursed Victorian lampshade? Yeah, this is why you bother! Just look how nicely that sits when you take it off the wires. Totally worth it! The pattern is Evolve, and it's in all the usual places (or wander over to patreon, anyone there can just have it). Just pinky swear that you'll block it when you're done!
Evolve is out! This is the pattern I found, in an astonishingly complete state, when I settled down to tidy up my hard drive the other day. Since it was nice little surprise for me, I figured I should pass that happy feeling on to other folks as well. So if you're one of those people who lets me send you email (either mailing list or patreon), go check your inbox, there's something waiting for you there! Patreon folks at any level (yes, including the one that's three bucks) got the pattern for free (and yes, if you [...]
Happy little surprise
Ever cleaned out your coat closet and found a nice surprise in a jacket pocket or the back compartment of that purse you never carry? Like a surprise $20 bill or the missing button you've been wanting to sew back on your favorite sweater or that awesome lip balm you thought you'd lost? Yeah, I'm experiencing the knitting version of that. I was tidying up my hard drive (Sisyphus for the modern age...) and found, um, a fully complete pattern? Like photos, charts, text, everything? It's cowl a pattern I contributed to a friend's book a few years ago, and [...]
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