Counting rows

So I'm working on a thing with cables every eight rows, which means I often find myself thinking huh, is it time to do the next cable yet? But counting rows on cables can be...not immediately obvious. But don't worry, there's a trick to it. As usual, the thing to do is...learn to look at your fabric. I know. I know! It's annoying. But it's the way you actually start to understand what's going on, so it's pretty much always going to be the answer. Ok, so, cables happen when you yoink one set of stitches over across some neighboring [...]

June 25, 2024|


The set I've been working on offers a good opportunity for a little instructional aside.  You know how variegated yarn sometimes acts very differently from one project to the next?  I've got a lovely little demonstration of why. You may recall I'm worried about running short of yarn on this project. So because I'm going to be using every inch of the yarn I have, I'm trying to be reasonably clever.  Once the cowl got to be just long enough, I put it aside on an extra needle and moved on to the hat.  The plan was to make the [...]

January 29, 2014|

Why Yes, I am Rather Exacting

I explained last time how I deeply truly love flared cuffs.  They fit beautifully, make my hands look all pretty and girly, and are ridiculously convenient.  The only thing they have against them is that they can be tricky to block.  But no more, I have found the solution. Graph paper and shampoo bottles.  No really.  Hear me out.  The problem with blocking cuffs like this is getting the flare nice and distinct and even.  To do that, you need a way to make it bigger than the part on your wrist, and you need keep the points uniformly spaced.  [...]

February 27, 2013|

A Piece of Scrap Yarn

You know that line in a lot of my mitt patterns? The one that says 'set thumb stitches aside on a spare needle or piece of scrap yarn?'  Yeah, I'd really sort of suggest you take the piece of spare yarn option.  I know that means you have to dig out a bit of extra yarn (hint, don't use the yarn you're knitting with, use a nice thick one of a different color) and a needle, and sometimes that's too much of a pain, but if you can, it's the best choice.   Why?  Two reasons.  First, when you try [...]

January 16, 2013|


From time to time, even the nicest yarn has little slubs and snags.  This is, at most, an irritation.  It's much less of a problem than knots.  Knots mean you've got extra ends to weave in and they can mean breaks in the color progression.  Slubs often just mean a quick twist to fix.  But since I've heard of folks cutting out slubs, I thought I'd show you how I fix them.  This is pretty basic, but I know the last several folks I mentioned it to were gobsmacked that you could fix these things, so...I thought I'd share.   [...]

November 10, 2011|
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