Better in sets

Better in sets better in sets better in sets. I'm just always going to believe that knitted accessories are better in sets. Now, do I actually manage to wear all the pieces of a set at the same time? Um...sometimes? Occasionally? Ideally? But look, just knowing I have the option makes me happy. I do usually spend the winter with a hat jammed in one pocket of my coat and some mitts jammed in the other pocket, does that count? As soon as we manage to get a day where it is both overcast but not rainy and cool enough [...]

September 9, 2023|

Arcane Bargain

Ahem. Why yes, yes that is rather charming. Bonus points for being the Exact Same Colors as the hydrangeas in my yard. Because clearly Seven Sisters Arts made some sort of arcane bargain with the fairies at some point and now knows the secret to all the best colors. ⁠ (Yes, it'll be out shortly! Likely that second full week in September, if we ever manage to get a day where the weather lets me get outside and get photos of them. I've got a Whole Big Stack of pieces to photograph for this one, but it needs to stop [...]

September 3, 2023|

A very spiffy swatch

I may just possibly have indulged in a Very Spiffy Swatch. I mean mostly because it's just pretty, but at least partially so I can take some sort of official instructive photos for 'this is what it looks like with one color, this is what it looks like with two, oh and here's how it looks on the back.' Because that was going to be easier to do with a nice tidy little bit of magic I can flip around and point at.

September 2, 2023|

Minimize the disruption

Remember how I said I set aside a little ball of yarn to do the thumbs with when I'm using a gradient yarn? That's because it minimizes the disruption in the color progression.⁠ Now, the truth is the progression on this one is gradual enough I could probably have gotten away with not doing it. But it's easy enough to do so why not!⁠ There's a longer post with more details about what I do and how it works back a few weeks, should you wish to know more.

August 28, 2023|

Low chaos tolerance

Ok, now we come to the most difficult decision in the whole project. Do I make the second mitt more or less the same (still with the blue end as the background and the green end as the contrast)? Or do I flip it around (so the green end is the background and the blue end the contrast)? I think I'm going to do it the same. My tolerance for chaos is low (no really, shocking low, especially right now) and I think that would feel just a liiiiiittle too jumbled up for the little order muppet that runs my brain. [...]

August 25, 2023|

Wait for it

Still unblocked, ends still waggling in the wind, still delightful. Now I'll admit, I'm absolutely itching to get this blocked, because the whole thing is just going to relax and straighten up and even out in the nicest way. But I'm making myself wait until the second one is done so that I can show you one freshly off the needles and one freshly blocked in the same picture so you can join in with me as I revel in what a difference a quick bath and a little smoothing and patting can make. Which I'm pretty sure means I [...]

August 23, 2023|

Indulge me

Indulge me for just a moment and let me show you the inside of these... And look, I'm not going to pretend I don't like the outside better. I absolutely do like the outside better! But that's because the outside is kinda spectacular, even if it is scandalously immodest to say so. But the inside is awfully nifty. Mostly in a 'wait, how does that *work* how did you actually *do* that' kind of way. But my brain seems to actually really like chewing on 'how does that work,' and I figure some of you are wired that way too, [...]

August 21, 2023|

Check in

Are we going to quietly sneak over and check in on these in amongst all the floof? Yup. Yup we are. Are we going to find ourselves hopelessly smitten with them? Well I mean I guess I can't speak for you, but I know they're totally doing it for me! And once again, I emphasize that It's Normal For Things To Look A Bit Wonky Before They're Blocked. The magic of blocking is that it evens out the wonky bits! That's especially true here where you're using two different yarns. Well, I mean ok, technically two ends of the same [...]

August 20, 2023|
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