Just a Little

While most of this week had been spent putting books in envelopes and setting them out for the mailman (which is lovely, thank you), every now and then I have to do something that doesn't involve an adhesive label.  This fits the bill nicely. They're the mate for the lovely hat (a proper picture of which I still totally owe you), and I'm smitten.  The cable is wide enough that it's best to have just the one, so the back is all ribbing (which allows for some very tidy thumb increases, which always make me happy). With any luck at [...]

November 24, 2015|

Something New

So I'm going to try something fun.  Remember the little cuffs I've been playing with for the last week or two (with the yummy sweet fiber yarn)?  Well, they came up to Maine with us for some pictures (nothing like taking advantage of the scenery on vacation), and now they're ready to be released. I'll be putting them out Tuesday, and I want to try something a little different for this release.  The pattern will be for sale like usual, but I'm also going to send a special code to everyone on the mailing list to let them grab the [...]

November 6, 2015|


So the cuffs are done (yes, both!) and will be showing themselves off with proper photos any moment now.  But before you can take the pretty photos, you have to block the knitting.  Blocking flared cuffs can be a bit perplexing.  You want the wrist nice and round, and the bottom all spread out.  You can put them on a mitt blocker (if you're lucky enough to have such a thing) and then lay them down on a mat and pin out the flare.  But that takes forever to dry and leaves you with a crease where it was folded [...]

October 30, 2015|


So the cuff is done.  It is adorable (and comfy, and soft, and warm, and all the other things you'd want a cuff to be).  But it is also weirdly hard to photograph (that it is a bit damp doesn't help, but sunset comes early these days, and if I waited for it to dry it would be dark, so I'll take what I can get). Eduardo helps give a sense of the proportions of the thing, but his wrist is rather wider in comparison to his hand than is mine, so things look a bit elongated. The actual proportions [...]

October 24, 2015|


I have a long-standing, deeply-held, and unabashed fondness for flared cuffs.  They're the piece of knitting I wear most often (gloves and hats feel like outer wear, whereas my cuffs I can totally wear in my drafty house without feeling like a weirdo who needs to get new windows).  They leave your fingers free for typing or knitting or cooking or whatever else it is you need to be getting on with, but somehow do actually manage to keep you warmer.  They take surprisingly little time to knit.  And they're just downright adorable. Or they are, after they're finished and [...]

October 15, 2015|


I've been feeling just the tiniest bit antsy.  I think I have everything all lined up for the start of the preorder (Tuesday...with details coming Monday in case you like to study for the test ahead of time).  I've made plans, I've made lists, I've done my homework, and I've done this sort of thing before.  But despite this, I can't sit still or relax. So I decided to do something to distract myself.  I wrote up the (shatteringly simple...really there's nothing to this) pattern for the cuff I showed you the other day.  The 'remind me how much I [...]

June 6, 2014|

Not Forgotten

If you've been paying close attention, you may have noticed something shocking.  Distressing really.  I've not been knitting.  I pretty much took a month off.  I didn't mean to, it just sort of snuck up on me.  I've been busy.  First it was TNNA, then it was prepping for the book launch, then it was picking yarns for a new project.  But somewhere along the way, knitting fell by the wayside.  Then I realized the error of my ways and went looking for some instant gratification.  This cuff fit the bill nicely. It's the simplest thing in the world (it's [...]

June 4, 2014|

Put a pin in it

Please do not suggest that I have been lazy with my blocking.  I may laugh manically and chase after you with a t-pin. Oh, and pro tip, the snow will re-wet your knitting, so be a smart kid and be sure it's cleaned off and dry again before you pull out your pins.  Not that I'd know or anything...

January 28, 2014|

And After…

Quick and not-so-great snap (it is unpleasant outside, I don't want to be outside, so I didn't stay long) just to show you the much more relaxed shape these take on post blocking. Compare that to the tight bunchy shape before blocking.   Some time I'll get close up pics of the scallops so you can see how they're made, they really are shamelessly cute.

March 1, 2013|
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