
I wasn't going to post today.  I was going to stuff envelopes and then rest (doctor's orders...apparently this work all day, get no sleep, be too busy to eat thing I've been rocking for a week or two isn't actually a good long term plan, and I've been sternly told go chill out for a few days).  But then I happened to see this on amazon this morning, and couldn't stop myself. Now of course that will change over time (as far as I can tell, it's updated hourly, so it could change at any moment).  But today, for at [...]

November 26, 2014|

Going Postal (the old-fashioned way)

Hey stranger, I missed you!  Writing about all the book projects (and reading all your lovely comments) has been great fun, but I've missed just chatting with you.  I like telling you guys what's going on around here. Though to be frank, what's been going on so far this week is probably less than fascinating blog fodder.  I've been putting books in envelopes.  I've been putting lots of books in envelopes and then putting them out for the postman.  That's pretty much all I've been doing.  The first batch went out Saturday (I figured no one would mind if they [...]

November 25, 2014|

Eversion is live!

The eversion of Curls is live! If you bought the book, you should have the full eversion in your ravelry library right now (if you don't take a look at the bottom of the post for some more info).  Download it and let the knitting begin!  And, if you're feeling chatty, I'd love to see you in my ravelry group to talk about what you're making.  I promise, we're a super friendly bunch (and there will totally be a knit along come January). And, when you do download the eversion, you'll notice something special.  JC Briar, genius behind Stitch Maps, [...]

November 17, 2014|


You are all amazing.  You are, in fact, so amazing that I am having a hard time finding the words to talk about it.  So instead, I'm going to tell you what happened on Friday. On Friday, I put Curls up for preorder. I've done this before.  I know what it's like.  It's like planning a party.  You work for a long time (putting in far more time and energy than folks who don't throw parties would believe).  You invite people.  You get very excited but also more than a little nervous.  What if no one comes?  What if only [...]

November 8, 2014|


  Wow! You guys are awesome. Enough of you showed up that you crashed the server. The Boy has done some frantic typing (and I have done some helpful swearing) and thing seem to be back on track (slow, but working).  If you're still having problems, get in touch and we'll get it sorted out. Thanks guys, I'm totally blown away by your excitement! The presale starts today!  You can get the book right here, or just click on the giant picture of the book's cover below to be taken directly to the right spot. Just a few tiny bits [...]

November 7, 2014|

Curls Preorder Schedule

Curls: Versatile, Wearable Wraps to Knit at Any Gauge goes on sale Friday.  As always, I've got some great discounts for folks who buy early.  But, to make things even more fun, I've also arranged for some marvelous little goody bags (full of all sorts of knitterly tools and indulgences) for the first 250 people to buy the paper version! I know placing a preorder is a bit of an act of trust, so I want to lay out the whole schedule here, just so you know what to expect and when things will happen (and of course, just ask [...]

November 5, 2014|

Ready, Set, …

So did I mention the new book?  The one that goes up for presale on Friday?  Well, I mean I know I've mentioned it in passing (if you look back at old posts tagged sneakypants, you can see many of the things I've said about it) , but I think I've actually been fairly circumspect about its contents.  Given that it's coming out this Friday, I think we can likely lift the veil just a bit, don't you? How about a quick shot of some of the test pages the printer sent?  I'll have a proper picture of all the [...]

November 4, 2014|
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