A quick variation on the previous stripy hat. It's Malabrigo Twist again (the second half of the skeins I used for the last one, both should easily come out of those two skeins). It's the same technique as before (never knitting more than one color in a given row, glorified stripes, miles of stockinette with just one goofy row every now and again), just a slight change to make wee nubbies instead of an all-over pattern. I think they make a nice pair. Last time I did three variations, but I think I'll have to call it good at two [...]
As I write, we're about 4 hours (and 4 inches) into a nice proper snowstorm. (The picture was taken yesterday when the porch was free of snow. At the moment, it's rather a lot more snow-covered out there, and I feel no obligation at all to go out and document it for you. You'll have to use your imaginations instead.) I'll be alright though, as I have a lovely and hugely warm new hat. See? That, plus a bit of work on The Boy's sock, was all my knitting over the birthday/holiday weekend. The rest of the time was spent [...]
Well it’s About Time
You know that moment on a hat? The moment where all you need to do is keep going around and around and around as you've been doing for a while now? And there's nothing else to be done, you just have to put in the stitches? Even if you've lost all will to live (or at least to knit)? Yeah, that's where I was on this one. It was not leading to much in the way of forward momentum. At least it wasn't until I noticed how inescapably nifty the inside of the hat looks. See? This discovery has left [...]
As discussed the last time this hat gripped me in its obsession, these hats are mindbogglingly simple. The vast majority of the time, you're just knitting. Just plain old knitting...nothing fancy at all. Every now and then, you do a little magic trick for one quick row, then slip back to the lovely soothing plain knitting. The resulting fabric is both charming and impressively warm. Take a look at this. That's after a nice stretch of stockinette and just before the next row with the magic trick. See the difference between the bottom part and the top part? See how [...]
It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time
Well bummer. Remember when I said the hat obsession had returned? And I showed you the two yarns I wanted to use? Yes. Well. I seem to have fallen under the sway of Malabrigo's lovely but occasionally sporadic colors. Somehow the yarn that looked all blue and green and gray with hints of yellow turned out to be yellow with bits of evil thrown in. Well no, I take it back. The yarn itself is lovely, it just wasn't playing well with that gray and that stitch pattern. Not really at all. So I did what any reasonable knitter would [...]
Yes, Again
Do you remember earlier this year when I fell prey to a Wee Hat obsession. Those hats went off to their intended victims long ago. I managed to arrange a photo shoot before they did, but there was an unfortunate pink lemonade incident that meant the photos weren't all they could be (the camera, after a thorough cleaning, does seem to have recovered). So that pattern sort of languished. It was in my head, but not out in the world. I thought at the time that I'd be ok with that, but it was actually sort of bugging me, so [...]
Book Yarn, Part III
Today, Malabrigo. Now while I'm guessing no one was surprised to see orange yarns in the last Book Yarn post, I bet the same can't be said for blue. I've long been...let's say hesitant...about blue. It just seemed like such a safe choice when there was all that orange and yellow and gray out there to flirt with. But Malabrigo, Malabrigo has made a believer out of me. These are too pretty to resist. On the right is Arroyo in the color Azules. Arroyo is a superwash merio. I used it for the Ruction cowl and mitts in Rabble Rousers [...]
Yes, More
I just realized I've been a terribly negligent blogger. I've got three little things I should have told you about. Bad blogger, no cookies for you. The first is a little history of my knitting over on Alana's podcast, Never Not Knitting. You can all go hear just how bad a start I got off to when I first learned to knit! The second is an inverview with the lovely Stacey of Fresh Stitches. We chat about all sorts of things, and you can see what my office looks like if you've been itching to know. And finally, the lovely [...]
Wee Hat the First
The first of the wee hats is done. I'm now madly in love with this whole concept. But really, what's not to love. First, hats. Hats are more or less instant gratification. Second, worsted. Worsted weight yarn actually knits itself. You just have to nudge it gently and the finished thing falls off your needles. Third, Malabrigo. This one requires no explanation, just look at the color. Colors. I'm helpless in the face of such temptation. Fourth, stripes. Stripes are the (or at least this) lazy person's answer to colorwork. I swear you never ever ever touch more than one [...]
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