Monthly Reminder

Monthly Reminder! Abortions are good. Abortion pills are safe and effective up to 13 weeks. You can order abortion pills online. Even if you're not pregnant right now. Even if you cannot afford to pay for them. Even if you live in a state with a ban. Abortion information is being actively suppressed online. (That means it's SUPER HELPFUL IF YOU LIKE/SAVE/SHARE THIS POST. No really, it actually helps.) Instagram and facebook are hiding or taking down posts from accounts that talk about it too much, search engines are prioritizing misleading search results and making money off ads from crisis [...]

January 31, 2025|

Monthly Reminder

Abortions are good!^ If you or someone in your household can get pregnant, I think you should have abortion pills in your medicine cabinet. Just in case. Because things are about to get bad. You can order abortion pills online from Aid Access. You can order them even if you're not pregnant. Aid Access will send them to you no matter where you live (they are overseas and do not comply with requests from US law enforcement). They are safe (literally safer than tylenol) and effective, and you can absolutely manage your own medication abortion at home (Aid Access will [...]

December 31, 2024|

Monthly Reminder

Monthly reminder that abortions are good (in the way that all healthcare is good...doesn't mean they're fun, doesn't mean anyone wants to need them, but by god it's good to have them available when they're needed), that I and any space I have any control over is absolutely 100% pro abortion, and that anyone who has a problem with that is kindly invited to see themselves out. Quietly.⁠ The bad guys won this last round of elections, and that's going to make abortions harder to get. But that doesn't mean you give up, and that doesn't mean there's nothing you [...]

November 30, 2024|

Monthly Reminder

What's your plan to vote? I picked up my ballot from the town office earlier this month and dropped it off a few days later. (Did you know once you vote, most of the text messages and mailers stop? Think of it as a bonus treat for voting early!) Have you asked your friends and family if they need help making a plan to vote or researching the stuff on their ballot? Have you asked if they need a ride? (I am being an absolute pest...sorry not sorry.) And hey, do you need help figuring out how to vote? If [...]

October 31, 2024|

Monthly Reminder

Remember how they promised there were exceptions for emergencies? They were lying. And people have died as a result. Go read (or listen to) this piece from ProPublica about Amber Nicole Thurman's completely unnecessary death. Bring tissues. Then go read this piece from Pregnancy Justice on how "the Dobbs decision emboldened prosecutors to develop ever more aggressive strategies to prosecute pregnancy, leading to the most pregnancy-related criminal cases on record." Then go double check your voter registration and make a plan to vote.  (Some states already have early voting open...folks in Illinois, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and Virginia can literally go vote [...]

September 30, 2024|

Monthly Reminder

Are you registered to vote? You sure? Because about 1 in 3 of you* live in states that kick folks off the voter rolls if you don't vote often enough. And all of you* live in states where 'accidents' happen. And this election is going to decide whether we start getting our bodily autonomy back, or whether we loose even more of it. So check your registration. You can do it at Then get your friends and family to check theirs. Ask folks if they want help registering to vote. Ask if they want help getting a mail in [...]

August 29, 2024|

Monthly reminder

Monthly reminder, abortions are good, and everyone should have access to them! Alas, in the US, a lot of us don't.⁠ Iowa's 6 week ban just went into effect, making it the 18th state with a total or near total ban (AL, AR, FL, GA, IA, ID, IN, KY, LA, MO, MS, ND, OK, SC, SD, TN, TX, WV). That means more than 1/3 of the US population can't get vital medical care in their home state.⁠ Here's what that looks like (from the interactive map on Guttmacher): For more about the ban, see this post on instagram or this [...]

July 30, 2024|

Monthly Reminder

It's been two years since the Supreme Court reminded everyone that you don't have bodily autonomy if you get pregnant. Since then, many states have made it had or impossible to get an abortion, others are doing the same, and yes, some are trying to restrict birth control and fertility treatments, too. Despite the barrage of new restrictions, the number of abortions actually went up in 2023 (by ~11% as compared to 2020). This is at least partly due to the increased availability of and awareness about abortion pills by mail. Abortion pills give people back some of the autonomy [...]

June 24, 2024|

Monthly Reminder

Look, I get it. I do. It's a LOT to keep track of. EVERYTHING is a LOT to keep track of. So it's ok, you don't have to keep track of it all. You just need to find a couple of good resources, Stick Them In Your Information Pipeline, then interact with them when the come across your feed so you'll see more of them. No really, it works. It works really really well. As long as you do that 'interact with them' bit. Here are some of the places I follow on instagram to keep up with abortion info: [...]

May 30, 2024|
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