
I'm working on some socks.  This, this is not news.  Alas, the plans for these socks are a wee bit in the air at the moment.  The details of their fate need to be secured before I can tell you too much about them.  It's making me twitchy.  I've actually got knitting on the needles, and I want to show it to you, but discretion demands I not...for the moment. And yet, somehow, I'm still talking about the socks.  I'm working with Dream in Color's Everlasting DK (aka the best fat sock yarn in all the's what I used [...]

October 4, 2012|

Yes, More

I just realized I've been a terribly negligent blogger.  I've got three little things I should have told you about.  Bad blogger, no cookies for you.  The first is a little history of my knitting over on Alana's podcast, Never Not Knitting.  You can all go hear just how bad a start I got off to when I first learned to knit!  The second is an inverview with the lovely Stacey of Fresh Stitches.  We chat about all sorts of things, and you can see what my office looks like if you've been itching to know.  And finally, the lovely [...]

September 4, 2012|

Wee Hat the Second

Again, not actually all that wee.  Same idea as before, glorified stripes, never more than one color on a row (because I'm lazy and not a very good knitter, that's why). This one was super speedy.  Cast on when I finished the first one, cast of yesterday.  Still smitten.  One more to go at least.  Once again, the texture is best seen by swinging around to the side a bit.  The little nubbly poofs amuse me to no end.  They also tempt Barry into unspeakable misbehavior, so these have to go on a nice high shelf.  

September 3, 2012|


Alrighty.  You should be able to see what's going on here now a bit better. It's about 4.5 inches tall now and I'm really liking it.  The colors absolutely work together (not sure I could wear that particular color of greeny-yellow without looking like I'd eaten bad clams, but the sprocket in question totally can).  I'm doing this neat scrunchy stitch that sort of rucks the fabric up into little riffles.  Let's see if I can show that to you, it's hard to see straight on, but if we swing around and look from the side maybe? And no, it's [...]

August 31, 2012|

Wee Hats, Part 1 (Not so Wee)

I've learned something.  Five year olds have heads that are more or less the same size as adult humans.  At least some five year olds do.  My secret plan is to go for super stretchy and thus forgiving as to size (and also hopefully thus somewhat long lasting). This is Malabrigo Worsted in Emerald and Frank Ochre.  The colors were somewhat dictated by what was in the stash at the moment.  It was late, I needed a cast on fix right then, (there would be none of this leaving the house and procuring yarn or ordering and waiting for the [...]

August 30, 2012|

Nearly Unheard Of

Shocking though it doubtless will be, I've actually done some knitting.  Yeah, real live actual knitting.  Not swatches, not double checking a fiddly bit for some giant upcoming project (I'm looking at you, next book...I'm looking at you with an evil squinty glare), not aimless yarn petting.  Knitting.  The sort where you start a project and then put in sustained time and effort and are slowly rewarded with demonstrable progress.  I'm thinking I like that series of events. It's the mate to the lonely sock I showed you the other day (cough, week, cough).  It's actually a bit taller than [...]

August 3, 2012|

Hope Springs Eternal

Look, it's a sock.  One lone sock.  All by itself.  Rumpled and adrift. It's tough to be a sock around these parts lately.  The rate at which you get made, to say nothing of the rate at which your mate may get made, leaves something to be desired. I'm off on a tiny bit of a trip, and this sock's mate is the only knitting I'm taking.  Somehow I still don't think this will be enough.  Everyone keep a good thought for the sock, let it know it's not alone, even if it doesn't yet have a partner.

July 15, 2012|

Sort of

Goal: Grab a picture of a sock to show the blog that you've not totally abandoned knitting. Plan of Action: Toss sock on blocker, set blocker on chair, snap picture. Actual set of Actions: Toss sock on blocker, set blocker on chair, prepare camera.  Douglas senses the presence of yarn, leaps immediately into action, and tries desperately to subdue the evil yarn and protect me from its nefarious intention.  Snap picture of kitten frolicking instead of sock. Result: Well, you can see the sock.  Sort of.  A bit.  It's not precisely in focus (nor is the kitten for that matter...he's [...]

July 5, 2012|

Lest You Think I’d Stopped

So just because my dining room has been turned into shipping central (with an annex in my living room and another in my car) doesn't mean I've stopped knitting.  Though to be fair, the knitting has been slowed down a tiny bit.  If you lug hundreds of pounds of boxes around all day, turns out your arms are tired by the end of the day.  But, there is a wee bit of knitting to show, see? This is the reincarnation of the little mistake I showed you the other day.  I'm loving it, it's much better at this size.  And, [...]

June 9, 2012|
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