Ok, which one do we like best? The first one is one embroidery option, the second is the same pattern (in a different color of yarn) with a second embroidery option, and the third one is the first hat before I got my filthy hands all over it and doodled it into oblivion. I don't think I ever told you the story of these. A while ago Little Skein Anne and I were talking about doing a project together (because Anne is a delight and one of the few people I'm always happy to play with), and I said I'd [...]
Penchant Expansion Pack
The Expansion Pack for Penchant is out, and this is a little different from what we usually do, so read on for details! We all know I'm bad at restraint. I like versions and options and exploring things in depth. It's how I'm wired. So it makes sense that something that started with one hat quickly turned into two. And then those two hats somehow seemed like the absolutely perfect place to spend some time playing with duplicate stitch. So I did! The hat pattern came out last year, but the primer on duplicate stitch was only for patrons. But [...]
I believe I promised you a new hat pattern before the winter was over. And since we've just now gotten our first properly cold days and bits of snow, this seems like the perfect time to bring these out. Penchant is now available on ravelry! And yes, there are totally two versions of the hat. The whole time I was working the first one I kept thinking 'you know, if you shifted the decreases over just a tiny bit, you'd get a totally different look.' So, I did. And that one tiny change led to a whole new hat, so [...]
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