Questionable Nonsense

I do a bit of housekeeping every month (to remind folks what’s about to rotate off patreon and to show off what’s coming next), and to keep those posts from being dreadfully boring, I’m combining them with a monthly advice column/Q&A session (aka an excuse to ask what folks are wondering about and then info dump on some of my favorite topics). I'd asked for your sock questions and have been working through those for the last few months. We did a couple of long form answers on previous posts (like how to make your socks last longer and why [...]

May 31, 2024|


I am missing socks! Ask me your sock questions so I can think about socks without knitting socks! Socks were my first knitting love and the only thing I designed for a long time (I've written more than 100 sock patterns). And I miss them! But knitting at a good sock gauge hurts my shoulder these days, so I enlist the services of amazing sample knitters when I need them. But oh, oh I wanna think about them for a while. So send me your sock questions and I'll answer the most frequent/most interesting ones in this month's Q&A post. [...]

May 16, 2024|

Questionable Nonsense

  I do a bit of housekeeping every month (to remind folks what’s about to rotate off patreon and to show off what’s coming next), and to keep those posts from being dreadfully boring, I’m combining them with a monthly advice column/Q&A session (aka an excuse to ask what folks are wondering about and then info dump on some of my favorite topics). I asked for your sock questions and somehow a lot of those turned out to secretly be laundry questions. So this time I'm...well...I'm airing my dirty laundry and talking about all the details of how I wash [...]

April 30, 2024|

Questionable Nonsense

I do a bit of housekeeping every month (to remind folks what’s about to rotate off patreon and to show off what’s coming next), and to keep those posts from being dreadfully boring, I’m combining them with a monthly advice column/Q&A session (aka an excuse to ask what folks are wondering about and then info dump on some of my favorite topics). I asked for your sock questions and wow do y'all have a lot of feelings about sock heels. So this time I'm talking about why not-so-secretly feel like top down socks with a heel flap are the very [...]

April 3, 2024|

Questionable Nonsense

I do a bit of housekeeping every month (to remind folks what's about to rotate off patreon and to show off what's coming next), and to keep those posts from being dreadfully boring, I'm combining them with a monthly advice column/Q&A session (aka an excuse to ask what folks are wondering about and then info dump on some of my favorite topics). I asked for your sock questions (hint: blatant foreshadowing for what patterns are coming next), and literally half the questions were some version of 'how do I make my knit socks last longer.' And well, this is one [...]

February 29, 2024|

Secret Socks Questions

Got a secret sock question? Ask me...I might just know the answer! I'm soliciting sock questions for this month's Questionable Nonsense post. If you've got one, head over here and send it along. Socks were my first knitting obsession. They were the first project I managed to finished without getting distracted half way through and the first thing I designed. For a long time, they were the *only* thing I designed. Over time, I had to stop knitting them (working at such a tight gauge did not agree with my elbow or shoulder), but they're still close to my heart. [...]

February 16, 2024|

Questionable Nonsense

As promised, I've decided to replace our monthly housekeeping post (where I outlined what was coming & going on patreon and then distracted you with a recipe, which required me to clean my kitchen enough to take pictures, and which was therefore hard), with a monthly advice column/Q&A session (where I will also outline what is coming & going on patreon, but then I will answer a couple of questions from you folks, which just requires me to write about stuff I know and like, which is ever so much easier)! This month's questions are about how I started doing [...]

January 31, 2024|


So you know how I'm a bossy know-it-all with delusions of grandeur (at least according to the very best rude comment I ever got, I swear there should be t shirts)? Yeah, well, I think I'm going to lean into that and see about doing a monthly advice column. Part of me feels like this is scandalously presumptuous (who am I to give anyone advice). Part of me feels like I'm actually pretty damn good at this knitting thing. I've been making a job of it for nigh on fifteen years now. And I actually do have good answers to [...]

January 5, 2024|
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