Well and Truly Scattered
I have so many things to tell you, enough that I've actually made a list! Like a long list on paper in bright colors of ink with special doodles on it to indicate the urgency of various topics. I need to tell you all about the photo shoot (short version so so so good), I need to show you some knitting I've done, I need to show you some knitting other people have done, I need to show you some stuff I made that's not knitting, and I need to give a way a bunch of yarn (you guys don't [...]
Giveaway Winner
Debby S, whose favorite pattern of Sivia's is the lovely Tibetan Clouds Stole, is the winner of The Book of Cowls. I will be in touch with her shortly to get her information so she can cast on soon! And, in more panic-inducing news, it's just about time to open up pre-orders for KCC2. I'll be back on Monday with all the details of when that will start and how it will work. In the meantime, I have to go check and double check and triple check the website and finalize a few other plans to make sure things go [...]
Happy News
I'm going to share a very happy sentence with you. Ready? 'My local brewery is starting a knitting night.' See? Isn't that an awesome sentence? You can say it a few more times to savor it properly if you'd like. I'll wait. The brewery in question is The Bottle House. They're recently opened and just down the street from me. The beer is delicious, and they have different food trucks in the parking lot every night (or you can bring your own food in if you're feeling like having a picnic). It's looking like the first knitting night will be [...]
More or Less a Sock
The weekend saw some serious sock progress. The lonely sock now has about 2/3 of a mate (just down past the gusset). I feel there should be some sort of tasteless joke in there, but I'll leave filling it in as an exercise for the reader. For today, I'll take the opportunity to let Lauren of Ruthie Pearl and Sue of Adlerwood Quilts know they've won the Plucky Knitter yarn (I've emailed both to ask for a mailing address). Now, if I could, I'd send yarn to all of you. I can't, but I can give you patterns. So, from [...]
Rabble Rousers Yarn Giveaway (yes, more!)
Lots and lots and lots of good stuff to get through today! First, business. This is the last day of the Rabble Rousers preorder. That means the preorder discount ends today, so this is your last chance to get the book (plus a free extra pattern of your choice) at the lower price. Tomorrow the full electronic version goes live. Next up, more yarn to give away. I've got piles of it to go along with the release of Rabble Rousers, and I know you guys are going to love it. Today's lovely prize is the Primo Worsted by The [...]
Sort of
Goal: Grab a picture of a sock to show the blog that you've not totally abandoned knitting. Plan of Action: Toss sock on blocker, set blocker on chair, snap picture. Actual set of Actions: Toss sock on blocker, set blocker on chair, prepare camera. Douglas senses the presence of yarn, leaps immediately into action, and tries desperately to subdue the evil yarn and protect me from its nefarious intention. Snap picture of kitten frolicking instead of sock. Result: Well, you can see the sock. Sort of. A bit. It's not precisely in focus (nor is the kitten for that matter...he's [...]
As promised, the winner for the Barking Dog Yarns/Foliate giveaway is Sue of Alderwood Quilts. It looks like Sue already knows all about Barking Dog Yarns and will be adding a skein of Galaxy in the color California to her stash. I'll be in touch to sort everything out. And because I feel bad that not everyone can win, I set up a little promo for everyone else. If you buy Foliate, you can have any of my other patterns for free. Just put both Foliate and any other pattern in your ravelry cart, click on the use a coupon [...]
Thanks to everyone who entered. It seems that you guys are as taken with Dream in Colors marvelous work as I am. I'm happy to announce that Ariel and Andrea were the lucky commenters (as chosen by random.org). I've sent off emails asking for their mailing addresses and will mail out the yarn as soon as I hear back (which is good, as I might fall too deeply in love with it if I keep it around any longer...sending yarn away is hard). Meanwhile, in actual knitting news, anyone remember these guys? The sock I cast on in Nova Scotia? [...]
Congratulations to Linda who won the yarn, and thank you to everyone for your lovely comments. I, personally, do not believe in the black/gray/navy winter coat. I feel if I have to wear a coat, it had better be bright and colorful. I have a pale blue light weight coat, a red heavy coat, a purple dressy coat, and a green cloak for those rare situations when a cloak really is the correct answer. Of course I also feel that gloves/scarves/hats have to go with each other and with the coat. It leads to a rather staggering number of accessories, [...]
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