Book Yarn, Part VIII

It's been an awesome day at Chez Violence.  As of close of business today, I have sixteen (out of an eventual twenty) of the projects for Book the Second here and blocked and petted and cooed over and tucked away safe out of reach of mischievous kittens.  I know it is unbecomingly immodest, but if you got me alone in a quiet corner, I might just confess to being really really pleased with all of these projects. On the left is Schaefer Yarn Company in Chris in the color Pomegranate.  This is a soft, lofty, 80/20 merino nylon yarn.  It's [...]

August 10, 2011|

Book Yarn, Part VII

You thought I'd forgotten, didn't you.  I didn't, and there are more than six sets of yarns in the book.  I've just been a wee bit busy.  But I'm sneaking back in to add in the next of the book yarns.  There are three more after this one. On the left is Sanguine Gryphon in Traveller in the color Ireland.  It's a lovely, smooshy, 4-ply merino.  It's marvelously lofty (and so warm), and Sanguine Gryphon's colors are splendid as always. On the right is Sanguine Gryphon in Bugga in the color Oleander Nymph.  Bugga was one of the first merino, [...]

August 9, 2011|

Book Yarn, Part VI

School work is chugging along at a respectable clip.  I'm a bit more than half way done with the project, and a bit less than half way done with the available time.  As long as this proportion keeps up, I can stave off panic.  I'm even managing to get the occasional bit of sleep and maintain socially acceptable levels of personal hygiene.  So since I have a minute, and since I'm feeling the need to at least see yarn even if I can't currently play with yarn, I thought I'd swing by with another bit of book yarn. On the [...]

July 7, 2011|

Book Yarn, Part V

Look at me, all alive and more or less lucid.  The giant project is still giant, but it has been divided into (ever so slightly more) reasonable pieces, and I have a plan.  Having a plan is key.  It helps you explain what went wrong when you find yourself in a back alley in Ecuador with a live chicken under one arm, a book of Greek philosophy under the other, and a dead flashlight clutched between your teeth.  If you hadn't had a plan that would just be confusing.  If you'd had a plan at one point, you've at least [...]

July 1, 2011|

Guard Kitten

It seems it's more or less mandatory for knitters to have kittens.  Or if not mandatory, at least strongly encouraged.  I don't know if the knitting makes us more likely to like kittens (both require a certain tolerance for lint/fluff on your favorite black pants) or if the kittens make us more likely to like knitting (both require a certain tolerance for frustration).  Either way, I have the requisite two kittens. Now it's usually Barry who makes an appearance here.  He's the woolier of the two kittens.  Or so I thought.  It turns out that maybe Levon has a wooly [...]

June 27, 2011|

Unapologetically Fluffy

This is, without doubt, the softest, fluffiest, most luxuriant bit of knitting confectionery I have ever had the pleasure to lay hands on.  I can in no way convey how marvelous it is.  My picture does not do it justice.  I've picked it up and petted it a dozen times in the last two days (the cats are getting jealous). Discretion would suggest I don't show it to you just yet, but I am unable to restrain myself.  Now, in the interest of self control and restraint, I must tuck it away in the big plastic box of externally imposed [...]

June 23, 2011|

Book Yarn, Part IV

Ok, that's it.  I've decided the universe is conspiring against me in an attempt to teach me patience.  I'm going to take another approach.  There is no big shiny thing I'm waiting to tell you.  That was all in my head.  I was having a hallucination.  Really, carry on, nothing to see here.  I shall just push ahead with my other planned blather.  And if the big shiny thing happens to come along later...well, then I'll let you know about it then.  In the meantime, more yarn. On the left is Saffron Dyeworks in Mica in the color Botanical.  It's [...]

June 21, 2011|

Book Yarn, Part III

Alrighty, the plan had been to put up an entirely different post today.  But that can't happen until something else happens, so I must continue to wait.  I promise it doesn't come easily.  But I've been managing to get up a post every day, and I don't want to break my streak (momentum baby, it's all about momentum).  So I'm sneaking in with more book yarn. And look two whole yarns and neither one is purple.  Who knew?  I will confess I do have a soft spot for purple.  Blue...well blue I can take or leave.  But purple I like. [...]

June 20, 2011|

The Real Reason

So you know the real reason to write a book?  It's the mail.  Seriously.  Writing this thing has been almost as much work for the postman as for me. First, all the yarn comes in the mail.  And really, yarn is pretty high up there on the list of fun things to find in the mailbox.  Then, well, then comes a sad part.  Then I have to send the yarn off to my cadre of astonishingly attractive and marvelously talented sample knitters.  Sending yarn away is much less fun than getting yarn, but it's a necessary part of the process. [...]

June 17, 2011|
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