Book Yarn, Part II

Hey look, it's our friend Percival again.  I am totally making him earn his keep.  Fair disclosure, I set him up on the front porch and clicked through all of the various yarns one after the other.  It was windy, some of the pictures feature yarn wandering off to one side or the other.  It was also getting dark.  So you might be able to line all the pictures up and figure out in what order I took them based on how dark it is.  But I'm guessing you've got better things to do with your time. On the left [...]

June 16, 2011|

Book Yarn, Part I

Alrighty.  A few folks have asked if I'm going to tell you which yarns I'm using in Book the Second.  I wasn't all that sure that folks liked that last time, but since you asked so nicely, I can totally be persuaded.  Even more on target, the book and the rest of my life are oh-so-rudely cutting into my knitting time (and thus limiting my blog fodder), and this gives me something to say.  So, without further ado, and with the help of our noble friend Percival, let's get to the yarn. On the left is Blue Moon Fiber Arts [...]

June 15, 2011|

The Master Plan

This book thing only works if you're organized.  Well, it only works for me if I'm organized.  You may be as disorganized as you like. This box is Book the Second.  You might think books live on the computer.  And large parts of this one certainly do.  But, by its very nature, a book like this has a certain physical component.  This box keeps that physical component safe and tidy. A surprising number of you have asked about how the book is being managed, so I thought I'd share a bit. This is a giant plastic file box from some [...]

June 12, 2011|

How to Write a Book

I must start by saying that you have totally made my day.  I have a tendency to second guess myself, and I get the occasional 'helpful' email or ravelry message explaining that my pattern names are hard or ugly or just plain weird and suggesting that I fix them.  I have, so far, politely declined to do any such thing.  I like my pattern names, and it is tremendously heartening to know that you feel the same way.  Eclectic it is.  And with that, it feels like a good time to update you a bit on the progress of Book [...]

May 15, 2011|

Nomenclature and the Vagaries Thereof

I can never quite decide if this sort of thing is helpful, or dreadfully immodest.  The most recent episodes of two charming podcasts had some nice things to say about the book.  The first is The Knit Girllls (at about 20 minutes in) and the second is Stash and Burn (at about 34 minutes in).  I'm thinking at this point I should stop mentioning such things.  I have a suspicion that if you're here and reading, you've likely realized the book is there and have already decided if you'd like to have it.  I must confess though that I will [...]

May 11, 2011|

Good Omens

I am more or less the least superstitious person you're ever likely to meet.  I don't believe in ghoulies or ghosties, signs or spirits.  I am, at least most of the time, alarmingly practical and frightfully level headed (or, as some have suggested, soulless and dead inside, whichever you prefer).  That said, I do rather like the instruction that came in my fortune cookie last night. Now of course I know that fortunes are written to be as broadly appealing and as generally applicable as possible.  That's why they work.  But I feel like expanding my horizons is exactly what [...]

April 29, 2011|

One Of The Good Bits

Writing knitting patterns is an odd sort of undertaking.  It's mostly marvelous, but it (like any other job) has its less than glorious moments. But now?  Now I'm smack dab in the middle of one of the very best bits. The yarn for book two is coming in, and damn is it shiny!  I feel bad for the postman.  He must be getting tired of me accosting him each afternoon to see what new goodies he's brought me. There is quite a bit more to come (a few more greens, a wee bit of pink, and dash of orange), but [...]

April 22, 2011|

Discretion vs Shameless Over Sharing

I'm struggling with a bit of a question. I'm trying to find the right balance with sharing things on this site. Now don't worry, I'm not considering sharing the details of my digestion or my marriage or my finances. I am old enough (and possessed of a Victorian enough mindset) that I am not tempted to share those sorts of details with you. The things I'm talking about are all reassuringly knitting-related.  They have to do with Book the Second. It's more or less taken over every free minute of my life (and more than a few minutes that really [...]

April 6, 2011|

I Slipped

So you want to know the other reason that lovely gray sock is taking forever?  Besides being a pattern precisely calculated to be as slow as humanly possible to work?  It's because I've have had a lapse of knitting fidelity.  I became distracted.  It could have been by these... Swatches.  Piles of them.  Little bits of color and fluff, none even as big as an index card. These aren't proper swatches (and you are not allowed to cry about things not fitting if your swatches look like this).  These are trial swatches, proto-swatches if you will.  Color doesn't matter, fiber [...]

March 25, 2011|
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