I've mentioned I like my job, right? Because I really do like my job. Part of that is because I get to spend all day in my pajamas by myself and only rarely have to talk to actual people face to face. But an even bigger part of it is because I get to work with awesome people on fun projects. One of those awesome people is Anne Hanson (Knitspot mastermind). I mentioned to her that the next Curls book was going to use all gray yarns and asked if I might be able to use one of her Bare [...]
Grand Indeed
This past weekend found me at the Grand Opening of the Bare Naked Wools Boutique. The marvelous Anne Hanson has been making wonderfully interesting, amazingly knitterly yarns for a while now, and now there is finally a place to visit them all in one place. In addition to all the marvelous yarns, you'll also see lots of samples of Anne's patterns to pet and a few carefully chose buttons, tools, an other goodies to complement your knitting. I may possibly have had a skein or two of the delightful Cabécou Sport follow me home. My gray front porch on this [...]
Bare Naked Wools Grand Opening
You know how my normal tendency is to hide at home? Safely tucked away, snuggly in my pajamas, with a cup of tea at the ready? Well, the delightful Anne Hanson, mastermind behind Knit Spot and Bare Naked Wools is one of the very few folks who can tempt me out of my hermit's cave. She's opening her very own yarn store (be still, my beating heart) and she's having a grand opening. I'm going! I'm bringing piles of samples, signing books, and just generally hanging out and talking yarn. If you're free on either the evening of the 26th [...]
Bare Naked Wools Knitalong
You all know I love Anne Hanson's work. Her designs are beautiful, and when I heard she had started her own yarn line, Bare Naked Wools, I knew it would be absolutely marvelous. Last year, she and I did a two-part blog series on substituting yarns. And of course I used her yarn for the recent slipper extravaganza. So when the folks at Bare Naked Wools got in touch and asked if we could do a sock knit along, of course I said yes. The rules are pretty simple. You knit my socks with Anne's yarn, and post about it [...]
Quiescent: adjective marked by inactivity or rest The slipper pattern is out, and you can find it over on ravelry, should you feel the need to make yourself a pair! Oh, and on the off chance kittens aren't your thing, I do have the odd pic or two with no kitten. Let's see, perhaps this one will show off the knitting without the distracting influence of a Furry Overlord. Or maybe this one. I swear that ribbing makes even my (shamefully flat) feet look all curvy and graceful. Imagine what it will do for your lovely feet! These are made [...]
I mentioned last time that I loved how the Bare Naked Wools yarns bloomed when they hit the water. Then I showed you a picture of them still on the needles where they were totally 100% not blooming. So let's fix that, shall we? I just finished up the second slipper (well, finished the knitting, I still have to attach the strap). The first one has had a soaking, a nice vigorous thrashing, and a good blocking. The second is fresh off the needles. Look at the difference. See how the top one is nice and fuzzy and happy? You [...]
I am, for reasons that seemed extremely good at the time, knitting with gray and cream yarn in the middle of a very long winter. Normally, this would be enough to drive a knitter around the bend. But somehow this yarn is so snuggly and cozy and textured and just downright knitterly that it feels right. This is take two of the strappy slippers ( you guys wanted them enough that I've gone ahead and started working on them as a stand alone pattern instead of waiting until the end of next year and putting them in a book you've [...]
So the straps were absolutely positively the way to go. The straps, in fact, quite make the slipper. Allow me to demonstrate. Awfully cute, no? How about one more, this time from the front. (Erm, and if this looks suspiciously like two left feet, that's because it is. My display feet are all lefties.) I'm wondering how I could have ever doubted the inherent wisdom of straps. They make the slippers stay on perfectly, and they increase the cuteness factor (already alarmingly high) significantly. Swinging the strap all the way down to the heel was the simplest tweak imaginable, but [...]
Making up for lost time
Despite the previous rocky start, slipper the second is now well underway. In fact, by the time you read this, it may well be done (not to draw back the curtain on the glamorous world of knit blogging too much, but I've been known to take advantage of the afternoon sunlight to take a picture, write a blog post to go with the picture in the evening, and schedule it to go up the next morning). I continue to be enamored of them. They are just so amazingly tidy and orderly. Everything flows very nicely, if I do say so [...]
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