Not very glamorous, but…
How about we start the week off with an unlovely photo of a rather lovely thing? That's the first batch of books all set out for the post office to pick up today. A few more will go out tomorrow (at which point I will go sit somewhere quiet and pretty and do nothing at all productive or industrious for several consecutive hours). Now, let me see if I can't preemptively answer a few likely questions: But what about my e book? If you ordered just the electronic version (and not the paper version), you'll get [...]
Last call!
The Shoreland preorder closes today (that's Friday, November 22nd) at noon eastern time. This is your official last call to grab the book at the preorder discount. I'll be spending the weekend stuffing envelopes (I'll show off the stack of them before they start going's somehow very satisfying to say 'look...look what we did!'). The eversion goes live and paper books start showing up in mailboxes on Tuesday the 26th, so you won't have long to wait!
Let’s show off more socks
Ok, we're juuuuust about to the end of the preorder, which means I'm up to my elbows in mailing labels and book boxes (because you are all awesome, thank you!). So while I do that (which is important, but not photogenic), how about I show off the rest of the socks! These are Netted, and they're in Apex by Seven Sisters Arts in the color Water Nymph. This is what happens when you just give in and indulge your shameless fascination with teeny tiny twisted stitch cables and let them run wild and do whatever they want! These are Poised, and [...]
Let’s show off the socks
Holy smokes that was a busy day! The preorder opened yesterday and it seems like you folks do, indeed, still like socks (which is lovely, I'd have felt really bad if it turned out socks were out this year!). So, while I tend the inbox (I *think* I've gotten back to everyone who has written to me, but between email, ravelry, instagram, twitter, and blog comments, it's always possible I overlooked something, if you got in touch and haven't heard from me, an email to hunter at pantsvillepress dot com is always the best way to reach me) and do [...]
Shoreland preorder is open!
The Shoreland preorder is open! You can grab yours right over here. The preorder runs through Friday, and you won't have long to wait for your book. Paper books start going in the mail this weekend (everyone's book will be in the mail within one week of their order, though a lot of them tend to go out sooner), and the full electronic book will go live on ravelry on the 26th. If you're looking for more info on the patterns, they're all up on ravelry over here. And you can read all the gory details of the preorder schedule [...]
Shoreland preorder schedule
I'm a big fan of keeping preorders short and let's see how much I can streamline this! Tuesday, November 19, noon Eastern time: Preorder opens for folks on my mailing list (I'll send you an email with links to where you can buy either the paper or the electronic book). You'll get the best price of the preorder ($3.00 off either the paper book or the ebook). This price only lasts an hour, so grab it quick! The first 300 folks to order the paper book on November 19 will get a little present in their packages. I expect these [...]
Shoreland Q&A
So...ready for the next book? Shoreland is coming out next week (preorder opens November 19). I'll explain all the details of the preorder in another post tomorrow, but today I wanted to answer questions about the book itself. Let me see if I can guess what some of them are! - What's in the book? Seven shiny new sock patterns! Each one is written in 3 or 4 stitch counts with sizing information given for working in both fingering and dk weight yarn (because wow do I love thick socks). They're all top down (because that's how I like to [...]
The tiny, nifty bits
So look...electronic books are great. They're super portable. They take up no space on your shelf. They don't require anyone to cut down trees or put anything on a truck and get it to your front door. They absolutely have their advantages. And I will never ever ever have any complaints about folks who like electronic books best. But paper books have my heart. They're what my brain thinks of when it hears the word book. They feel solid and real and permanent in a way electronic books just don't for me. I love to surround myself with them, whether that's [...]
Never ending swatches
Ok, we did swatches parts one and two already, let's see if we can't fit the last three all in at once! I want all the bonus points for reblocking this swatch so I could take a decent photo of it for you. Yarn is Chickadee by Quince and Co in the color Angelica. What I probably should have done is shown you blocked and unblocked versions of this swatch. For you see, this stitch pattern looks...ah...shall we say indistinct in it's unblocked state? That's a polite word for it, right?⠀ ⠀ But...the good news here is that when you [...]
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