
So, the sweater from the other day? The one rescued from the ravages of kitten brutality?  Here it is all mended (you can watch me do some of that over on instagram if you're so inclined). And here it is with the neckline adjusted so I like it better for me (you can watch me do some of that too). And just because this stuff is important to say, here is your bonus reminder that you should absolutely have your neckline wherever you want.  Anyone who tries to make you feel bad about how much or how little skin you [...]

August 28, 2021|

Joining, part two

That top I started to fix a few weeks ago? Yeah, here's attempts two (ripped out) and three (the winner). So in case you don't happen to follow my every word with breathless attention, this is the neck opening of a sweater. It's open a bit farther down than I'd like, so I wanted to close it up a bit. I started by trying to just stitch it freehand (that was the post from a few weeks ago), but things shifted around a bit too much, so I stuck it in an embroidery hoop to hold everything still. That helped [...]

July 16, 2021|


This is going to be fun. Well, not this. This is about to get picked out. But then I'm going to do it again more carefully, and I think that will be fun.⁠ You see, I have a sweater with a neckline that's a bit lower than I like. And it would be the perfect sweater if only the neckline were just an inch or two higher.⁠ So I'm going to fix it.⁠ I started by putting it on and experimenting with a pin and a mirror to figure out where I wanted the neckline to fall. And it turns [...]

June 16, 2021|

I can bring blocking into anything

Here's that little shoulder patch after it's gone through the washer (and dryer...pajama sweaters do not generally get air dried folks). Take a look at the difference between freshly mended and after several washes. I actually like it much more now that the yarn has plumped up and fuzzed out a bit, so I am super happy with this. But it is a beautiful example of...wait for it...why swatching and blocking are so damn important. Bear with me here. Swatching is to let you know how your fabric is going to behave before you go to the trouble of knitting [...]

March 1, 2021|


It's cool enough to reach for a sweater, and around here, that means this ancient, lovely thing.  It also means patching up the latest round of holes (seriously, the fabric is thinner than a tshirt, it gets tiny holes if you so much as look at it). Luckily, that's something I rather enjoy. If you peruse the embroidery tag on here, you'll see many of the previous mends.  (This is the bit where I preemptively mention that I can't show you the whole thing at once because the mends are all over and there is no way to take a [...]

September 15, 2019|

Done! Er…for now…

And with that, I'm calling this patch of stitching done. The first bit of stitching was in a previous post, the middle bit is below.  If you want to watch the progression of stitches on these, you can check out the embroidery tag on here and scroll backwards. Now, it's all but certain I will get/find another hole in this some time soon.  And I've given in and bought spare of all the colors I used stitching this so I can keep repairing it as I run out of thread (it's just DMC embroidery floss, which you can find for [...]

October 18, 2018|


Yes, yes the cardigan is back.  Remember it, the one I've been stitching on for, um, two years now on and off (scroll down)?  Yeah, it's back. The fact that this gets so many holes is proof either that I'm too rough on my clothes, that it was too delicate to begin with, or that I wear it all the time and therefore just beat up on it a lot.  Possibly all three.  But at this point, I'm not sad to see the holes, so I don't really see a problem.

October 11, 2018|

Just a little bit more

And here's the third patch for this go round. This one was another hole at the edge of the pocket (and a good reminder that if I ever knit a sweater, I should maybe do something to reinforce the corners of the pockets from the get go). And that's probably the end.  Probably.  I need to give the whole thing one more check to see if there are any other spots that need attention before it goes back in the closet!

December 14, 2017|

More Mending

So remember that sweater? The one that I spent far too much time mending already (scroll'll see it)?  Yeah...yeah so it's due for another round.  It's got a few holes (I wear it all the time, I climb on rocks and through prickly things more than I should, and I have kittens...holes are a given).  I've  got some thread, and I clearly have an excess of free time. I should probably just find another pajama sweater...I've had this one since at least 2014 and I've worn it more than just about anything else in my closet. But I love [...]

December 7, 2017|
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