
I went to Rhinebeck and didn't buy yarn.  I know this sounds a bit odd, but I get rather frazzled when I find myself somewhere crowded.  I bailed out after less than three hours.  I wanted very badly to be elsewhere, so we left.  Luckily, we were up in Maine after Rhinebeck, and Maine seems to be exceptionally well supplied with yarn stores.  I visited quite a few of them. Of course we went into Portland, which means of course we went to KnitWit, which means of course I bought yarn from Quince & Co.  Rather a lot of yarn actually.  [...]

November 2, 2014|


I'm clearly overdue to tell you about Rhinebeck.  My only excuse is that we've gone of on a bit of an excursion after, and, when faced with the choice between staring at my computer or gazing out across the water, the water wins. But I have found one of the things I picked up at the show to be especially useful on the trip.  You see, I did an odd thing.  I didn't buy any yarn at Rhinebeck.  I know this is a bit scandalous, but alas it's true (don't worry, I have remedied this on the rest of the [...]

October 28, 2014|

Rhinebeck, Commerce Style

Now part of the fun of Rhinebeck is the critters (see the previous post), and part of it is the snacks, and part of it is the completely shameless knitterly abandon with which everyone curates their wardrobes.  But I would not be being honest if I didn't admit that part of the fun is the shopping opportunities.  I confess I indulged.  Though technically I brought home less yarn than last year.  What I lacked in yardage I made up for in volume. Yarnwise, I was very restrained.  A mere two skeins of Green Mountain Spinnery's Simply Fine followed me home.  [...]

November 4, 2013|

Rhinebeck, Critter Style

I'm home.  I'm home, and I have a nearly ridiculous list of things I want to tell you about the trip.  I fear you'll grow rather sick of it by the time we're done.  There was yarn, of course, and blankets.  There was unexpected fibery goodness in unlikely spots, completely unplanned knitting (knitting in support of a wildly unlikely project that will, itself, feature largely here over the next few months), planned knitting, surprise knitting (plus bonus kitten), treasure hunting, immolation, and quite a few other things as well. As usual, I make no guarantee of chronological integrity.  I will [...]

November 2, 2013|

And Then Onward

When last I left you, we had just fled left Rhinebeck.  We were in great need of some lunch.  We had secured the required apple cider donuts while we were at the fair, but the food vendors had alarmingly lengthy lines.  I could not be convinced to stand in line that long for yarn, I certainly wasn't going to do it for food.  Instead we drove into town and went to Terrapin. Thus restored, we ventured on to Tuthilltown Spirits.  The Boy had long wanted to visit, and none of our previous jaunts to New York had taken us close [...]

November 4, 2012|

Rhinebeck Report

I'll preface this by saying I'm a bad blogger.  A very very bad blogger.  I took no Rhinebeck pictures.  Not one.  If you are looking for sheep-y yarn-y pics, go check out someone more diligent.  I my defense I can only say it was my first Rhinebeck and I was in a daze of wool fumes.  I'll have to settle for a written report (plus a stash enhancement pic). We were rolling Rhinebeck in with a larger vacation, so we spent Thursday implementing a masterful car packing plan and delivering the Kitten Overlords to The Boy's parents (saints I tell [...]

November 1, 2012|


Hi all, you'll have to pardon me if things are a bit scattered for a day or two.  We're back from our trip.  We went up to Rhinebeck, and then on to Maine for a bit of a vacation.  We had planned to wind our way back slowly and arrive home Wednesday evening, but there's a bit of a storm at the moment.  We made the executive decision that all the places we'd be seeing on our way home were likely to be a bit damp and windy, so we opted to dash home instead.  After two very long, very [...]

October 30, 2012|


I've taken a middle of the road approach.  I've packed the socks in progress.  I've also packed blockers to finish them, so hopefully I'll get pictures of them (and of the ones I finished back in August) while we're away.  And of course I have a wee knitting tool kit (my 4 most used sizes of DPNs, ruler, darning needle, scissors, hook), some graph paper, a pencil, a few pattern ideas that have been running rampant on sticky notes, and two balls of wound yarn. That should keep me busy for a while at least. Oh, and lest you worry, [...]

October 18, 2012|


I'm getting stuff sorted for Rhinebeck, and I'm facing the perpetual problem of all knitters.  Packing clothes is easy...packing knitting is hard. This is especially true at the moment as I have precisely one pair of socks on the needles.  Not a single other thing.  And it's the second of the pair too, and just past the gusset decreases.  That means it might (possibly) be enough knitting to get me through the drive, especially if I nap for part of it (which is always likely, I have an off switch in my butt).  That doesn't leave me anything for the [...]

October 17, 2012|
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